"Well, you know how you paid for my broken hand?" By now I was outlining his jaw with a light peachy pencil.

"I already told you to not worry about it,"

"No, but I can help with your plan"

I sighed at his stubbornness and turned to look at him while putting down my sketching pencil.

"What is it?"

"So you're going to need a place to stay." He started

"Yeah, I was thinking about moving out with Rocky. We could buy ourselves a small apartment."

"Oh.. I was going to offer if you wanted you and rocky could move in with us. I mean there's already 13 of us, two more won't make it harder for us."

"I would like that, but I don't want to barge in there without anyone's permission."

"I'll be right back," Woozi said suddenly leaving the room quickly before I could say anything.

I slumped my shoulders and put down my watercolours which I had pulled out since I was ready to start painting his figure.

I sat there for what felt like hours even though whenever I turned to look at the clock it still said '9:14' I sighed and laid back in my chair listening as every long second passed by.

"I'm back!" Woozi screaming scaring me and making me drop my paint brushes.

"Oh- um sorry" I heard the slightest giggle in his tone like as if he was holding back a laugh he hadn't let out in years.

He sat back down in his spot and I continued painting. Silence slowly began to fill the room once more as I put full concentration on my painting.

"I already asked the rest of the guys, they all said yes."

"Did you really or are you just saying that?"

"IT WAS A GROUP DECISION!" screamed Seongcheol from outside the door.

I motioned Woozi to stay quiet and I tiptoed to the door. I opened it quickly and everyone (including Rocky) went toppling down to the ground inside the room. So apparently they were snooping on our conversation.

"Wow, real mature guys," I said while all of them scurried to stand up.

"What do you think Rocky?" I asked helping him stand up.

"I'm okay with it, but I'm still going to get a job." He said walking out of the room while fixing his hair.

Everyone stared at me expecting an answer. I sighed before saying,

"I guess I'll do it. Thank you fo-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I felt a lot arms all engulfing me into a hug which knocked us all down.

"YAY NEW ROOMMATES!" Screamed Hoshi.

After everyone got up I shooed everyone out of the room except for Jihoon so I could finish his painting.

After painting for a bit Jihoon spoke up.

"Your paintings don't really look like who they're supposed to look like."

"Wow, thanks that didn't make me feel like absolute shit or anything"

"No no I mean they don't look like their actual faces, they look more like their personalities. For example from what you've told me about your mum, that painting of her, to me, looks more like her personality than her face."

His comment had interested me so I looked over at him squinting my eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, so you know how you told us that she always liked reading? And that her glasses are always falling off her face? Well, that painting doesn't only show her glasses, it shows the reflection of a book in her glasses, and it shows how much she enjoys reading. Just by looking into her eyes you can see the excitement for reading."

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