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A/N: OHMYHOLYJISOOS SEVENTEENS THE NEW ALBUM (btw I write these earlier than when I release them so the album came out while I was writing this chapter.) I spent the whole time while I wrote this chapter listening to the new album. EVERY KPOP IDOL IS TRYING TO KILL ME. WITHIN 24 HOURS ASTRO RELEASED A TEASER SEVENTEEN RELEASED AN ALBUM GOT7 RELEASED A SINGLE. LIKE SIUGBEAKJNVDLS. Okay I'm done ranting, enjoy the chapter.

{The Next Morning}

{y/n's POV}

I woke up and sat up remembering slowly what had happened last night. I blushed at the thought and that quickly went away remembering why he was in the room in the first place. My repeating nightmare.

I decided to distract myself by painting. So before I began painting I took a shower, brushed my teeth, did my hair, and got dressed up for the day. Since winter is coming, I put on a big and fluffy sweater, warm jeans, and fluffy socks. The sweater had a picture of a penguin on it and the sweater was kind of a pale rosy colour. The jeans were light blue with a small rip on the left knee. The socks were white and fluffy and very warm. I tied a pink ribbon in my hair and only did my eyeliner since my skin seemed very clear surprising and I was gonna take advantage of that.

I sat at my easel and took out my paints. I tied my apron and turned to my wall of portraits to see who I hadn't painted yet.

My wall of portraits was a wall of my room that I had dedicated entirely to all my paintings. They were all portraits since that's what I was best at. I had painted my family, famous people, and recently I painted that mystery man with no face. Just as I was gonna put down my apron because I had no idea of who to paint, Jihoon walked into my room.

"PERFECT!" I screamed at him startling him and making him jump slightly.

"Jisoos christ calm down! And what's perfect? Besides me" He said dusting invisible dust off his shoulder. I rolled my eyes and pulled him by the arms to sit on my bed.

"You're perfect for my new portrait. All you need to do is sit and pose. I'll take pictures of you from different angles and then I paint you. Can you do that?"

"Sure um, I wanted to talk to you but I guess I could do this too."

"You can talk while I paint, I promise I'll pay attention," I said reaching for my iPhone to take pictures of him.

After a few pictures, he sat there waiting for me to start painting so he could talk. I connected my phone to my laptop to make the pictures bigger. Then, I began my sketch.

I began to slowly sketch out a simple image of what the portrait would look like. An oval shape for his head, a straight line for his prominent shoulders, etc.

"So I've been thinking," I began, "And I want to leave my house."

"Wh-what?" He turned and looked at me completely surprised and taken back. His small eyes big now full of emotion.

"Yeah, like I feel like my mum is already tired of having to deal with so much and I'm just making it harder on her. If she only had to feed Luca I know her life would be so much easier."

I was focused on my sketch so I didn't see his worried face looking around and I didn't notice his fidgeting fingers either.

"I- I guess that makes sense," He spoke quietly.

Minutes passed by in just silence. I could only hear my breathing, my heartbeat, and the soft strokes of my pencil against the hard white surface on the canvas.

"I guess I could help with that," He said quietly, the nervousness in his voice lingering behind.

"How would you?" I asked confused but still focused on finishing the sketch

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