The dark night!

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Everything was like a dark horror world!
The leaves standing as if bony black squad!!!
And the stars just sitting apart!
Glowing like atoms of light on the dark!!😮

But one thing is that, which left me aback!!!
There is a sudden change in the night's outfit!
'What was the change?' Thinking for a while!!
Discovered that the buat has left for a trip to Nile!!
Although the night is not in tears!!

Tomorrow  there will be a new morn!!
The sun will ignite in a new form!
  However todays night will end in the sky!!
I suspect no one will say it a
'Good bye!'

One day the moon will surely arrive, and the sun will shine more bright!!
But the sky will always be the sky!
Regardless any circumstances arrive, the sky will always thrive!!
It will stand there constantly throughout its life!!! 


So guys I wrote the poem when it was a dark night and there was an electrical problem throughout the city!! Through the poem the message I wanted to convey
is what that the determined people will never be in tears and will never lose there confidence and always march towards success! It doesn't matters whatever situation arrives!!

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