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Aahana p.o.v:

"Aahi, my princess. Say truth to me. To your Anna" my brother said cupping my face.

Last two days were being hell. I never saw my parents this angry. I came to know the reason. I tried to prove that I'm innocent but didn't succeed in that as I can't say the complete truth. Cause then my parents definitely warn Rishi's parents. They not loving creatures like my parents. They will go to any extend to toucher her.

But my brother is the one who believe in me. He constantly asked me to say the truth. But know he seemed to desperate to know the truth.

I know the reason. Today I'm going to engaged to a person whom I don't know. In normal circumstances I should feel excitement or anxiety but I'm feeling nothing except sad.

It's not like I didn't expected to be married this soon. I know when I joined in college after completion of it  I will be married like most of my female cousins. But the reason why my parents founded a guy within two days is hurting me.

"Promise me you won't say to anyone until tomorrow." Today they are leaving. By tomorrow they will be married.

My brother nodded.I said everything to him. He had an expression like I know there is a misunderstanding.

"Then why can't you say that to nanna. What I will say to him."  He was about to leave my room.

"No Anna. You promised." I stopped him.

"But all this happening just because of one misunderstanding. We should stop this."

"Anna what Is wrong in this?" I asked calmly. He is taken aback by my question."is this not going to happen sooner or later. Just because it is happening sooner if say the truth there are lives which going to suffer." I said.

"You know when they know it's not me but Rishi tomorrow everything will go back to Normal.isn't it?" I asked holding his hand.

Suddenly I was attacked by  My brother's hug. " my little sister is no more little. She is grown up. I love you. I can't see your sad face and swollen eyes. I'm sorry for not being able to do anything ."

"You no need to be sorry Anna. In fact I am so happy that you trusted me even when our parents didn't." I said.
" okay now leave me my saree is Getting wrinkles."


" Aahi groom's family came a bit earlier as groom wants to speak to you personally. Do you want to? Or I will tell..." my mother said entering my room.

"It's okay Amma." I said while wearing bangles.

"Are you planning something?" My mother asked. What is that mean. should I have to plan what to speak about. I thought.

"Do you think she is behaving normal and cooperative cause she planed something?" My brother who is on the other side asked. What my ma thought that worst about me?
I held the tears back.

"You're here. You should go and help your father.," she said to which my brother stormed and out.


" your room is so beautiful and girly." He commented. It's true with pink bed,walls and floral curtains. And teddy bears hear and there. Not to forget three big jars of chocolates on the study desk beside my pink vanity mirror.

"Thank you . Mr.."I left it in air as I don't know his name I forgot to ask mom.

" Karthik." He said." You didn't even ask your parents my name. It's funny."

"I'm sorry. Mr.karthik it's just.. I'm just you know ..busy with ..ah This engagement stuff." For this he laughed loudly.

" You're busy with engagement stuff and left the person whom you are getting engaged." He laughed again even I joined this time.

I was sitting on the bed he was in front of me sat in a chair. He pulled his chair near me. I stiffened suddenly never in my life I was this close to any man except my cousins.

" I won't eat you..You know. So relax. I just asked your parents to talk privately with you just because. I want to say something to you. If you're okay with it. Then we can continue this." I nodded him to continue.

" I'm recently got selected in civil examination. I have to go to IAS training in a two weeks. It's my mamma idea to marry me before going to training so today they will talk about keeping marriage by the end of this week." He said which shocked me. End of the week. i.e in four days.

"The thing I want to say to you is..I used to have a love affair in the past. " now he got the 100% of my concentration.
"She left me when my family was in financial crisis. But now when I got selected for IAS training she is trying to come back to my life. " How can someone be like that.

"I'm saying this cause I know everything is hurrying up. It must be difficult to you already. And again if she create any drama it disturbs you more. So..hope you understand." 

He is really good man. How he said this before engagement made him hero. Cause if he says this after marriage I have to struck myself there     even if I don't like it. He gave me choice. He gave importance to my opinion.

This earned him my respect. So I said what is happening in my life. I guarantee that my parents didn't said anything to them.

He appreciated it. Immediately we clicked to each other. I'm happy with my parents choosing him for me.

Soon by afternoon we exchanged rings and had dinner. The date for marriage was fixed. a simple marriage in three days.


Hey lovelies...

Here another chapter...

I tried to update cast.. But there got a problem and it's not opening after publishing.. I will try again..hope it get success this time.

Coming to chapter ..So Aahi got engaged..what do you think about it..?
Next chapter is going have something very interesting..

Plz vote and comment.



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