A Mid Morning Meeting

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"-none of your business!"

"It is my business if your off with other men!"

"So what if I am? You don't do anything but drink all day!"

I grabbed me head and sat up. Maybe if I groaned enough or clutched my head tight enough then I wouldn't be able to hear them. Of course, I was used to this by now. And to think the neighbors think we are a normal family. In their minds my mom is a homemaker who parties on some nights, my father is a civil man who is working from home, and they just have a teenage daughter who is in that 'emo teenager stage'.

I pulled on my black Chuck Taylors with the thought that I would go for a walk. I glanced at the clock; it said 1:59. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked out the door. The yelling got louder.

"Dammit Kelly! All I'm asking for is an afternoon!"

"I know what your asking for! I'm saying it won't happen!"

I walked into the living room. The amount of empty beer cans had increased by at least three. Mom must of just gotten home because her purse was still on the counter, thrown there with all its contents sprewn out. Mom herself was in front of the couch, where my dad was sitting.

My mom's blonde hair was thrown in a bun. Her clothes looked a bit disshelved and she had smeared make up on. My mom isn't tall or big at all, so when my dad stood up the fight was no longer fair. My dad was almost the complete opposite as my mom. He was tall and a bit big. I get my dark hair from him while I get my blue eyes from my mom.

I was standing by the counter when I noticed there was no milk. My mom saw me and turned around, probably as an excuse to turn away from my dad.

"Olivia what did you do to your eye?" She sighed it rather than saying.

"I fell mom. Don't worry about it. I'm going for a walk." She turned back around after I said don't worry about it. She wasn't going to worry in the first place. If she would she would care that I'm going walk at 2 in the morning.

"Bye dad. Bye mom."

I didn't get a bye back. I walked outside. Word of advice, it's cold outside at 2 in the morning during fall. I looked down and was thankful I had at least a hoodie on. My legs would just have to suffer because I had shorts on.

I started walking towards the park. It was less than half a mile away. Usually it took me only eight minutes to walk there. I pulled out my phone and smiled. I had a message from Marabeth.

Marabeth: Hey Olivia! I'm glad you decided to text me back! What's up!?!

Me: Well right now I'm walking. What about you? P.S. sorry if this message wakes you.

I put my phone in my pocket; I wasn't expecting a message at this time of night. You can imagine just how high I jumped when my phone beeped a little while later.

Marabeth: Why r u walking? It's rlly late (or early lol).

Me: I just need to clear my head. (and what's lol mean?)

Marabeth: Where r u walking to? (lol means laugh out loud).

Me: lol then and why do you want to know? Stalker.

Marabeth: You have offended me! I don't stalk! :P  But for real Olivia where r u walking to?

Me: Sorry to offend your pixie pride but I'm not telling.

Marabeth: Pixie pride? OLIVIA TELL ME.

Me: Yes because your a pixie and OKAY. I'm going to Elm Park.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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