"Can you tell me what this new training idea is now?" I ask, folding my arms.

​"It's a surprise. I'll tell you tonight, but for right now I think we should head to the warehouse and prepare." I grunt at his response, but he smiles and motions with his head for me to follow.

​We walk side-by-side to the warehouse and retrieve my bow and quiver from the wooden crate in the corner of the room. I whisk around to face my mentor, but he remains silent.

​"Have you ever used a gun?" He finally asks.

"No. I have never used one."

​"Then maybe you should try today." He walks up to me and places the weapon in my hands. "It's easier to use than a bow anyway."

​I look down at the silver pistol in my hands. The weapon for some reason feels far more dangerous than I am accustom to and the trigger feels like a life and death button in my hands. The metal is cold in my palm and it's heavier than I anticipated.

​I look up as he points to a wooden target beside one of the scarecrows and I tighten my grip on the gun. He watches me from a distance to make sure I am doing it correctly and once I believe I have a clean shot, I pull the trigger. The ear piercing gunshot is louder than I am used to and the recoil is surprising to me. I let my hand fall to my side and look to the board, but the bullet shot is nowhere to be found.

"I could've sworn I had it centered. Where did it go?" I ask while turning to the General who is wearing a smug smirk.

​"I believe it went into that scarecrow's straw skull." He says, pointing to the dummy next to the board. I squint at the hole and realize the correctness in his statement.


​We spend the rest of the day in the warehouse training until the sky begins to darken. By now I have my aim with the gun almost perfected and can shoot the target now. I may not have a perfect shot yet, but I can at least shoot the target and not the wall or the scarecrows around it. I look to the General who is checking his silver watch for the time. I look down at my own cracked watch and realize that it is nearly six.

"What about the new training idea?" I ask loudly.

"I still have yet to tell you what it is."

​"It's nearly six."

​"What do you say to some night training?" I perk up at the sound of his idea.

​Night training was always one of my favorite methods of training. It offered a sense of mystery and suspense. This only means that my graduation is nearing closer and my training is coming to an end.

​"We will be training differently though." He says in a whisper while approaching me. "This time I will hide somewhere outside of the warehouse and you will find me. When you do find me, I expect you to attack me without me knowing of your location. This will teach you stealth and strength. If you pass this with flying colors, I will talk to your father about an early graduation."

​I feel stunned by his suggestion. He wants me to fight him, but his last words sting me and send a pang of excitement coursing through me. The very thought of an early graduation is unbelievable.

​"Give me some time to hide and once you think I have a good hiding place, come and find me."

​"General, I can't fight you." I say, hanging my head, but his thumb quickly pushes my chin up so I am looking into his eyes through the diminishing sunlight.

​"It is only training, Nora. Pass this test and you will have the advantage of graduation at an early age." He says while messing up my hair with his fist.

​I nod slowly and watch as he turns and runs for the door. I remain frozen in the center of the building. I decide to give him ten minutes to hide and once my watch shows the time has passed, I walk to the double doors. The air is cold and the stars are beginning to shine overhead. A full moon shines through the hazy grey clouds. I look around my surroundings for ideas of where to look first. My eyes first go to the town which sits in a warm glow of lights now. It would be too obvious for him to hide there.

​I then turn my attention to the forest. It isn't obvious and there are tons of different hiding places. I nod to myself and run for the darkening forest.

​When I reach the forest's edge, I am greeted by the sounds of the noisy wildlife. Owls call in the trees and crickets chirp high pitched songs in every direction. The wind blows the leaves across my path as I walk slowly through the labyrinth of tall trees. My heart pounds in my chest while I walk and the sound of a wolf cry in the distance catches my attention. The air is cold on my bare skin and it reminds me of the nearing winter. Winter, the worst season for our town to endure, is being dreaded by many of the townsfolk. People are beginning to stock their shelves with the food they manage to find. We usually lose about ten people in the freezing weather either due to starvation of hypothermia. Either way, our small down can't afford to lose any lives. Our town's entire population houses about two hundred people. Most of the population consists of escaped citizens who followed my father willingly, but the population is also made up of the children they had upon fist moving here.

​I slowly continue my trek through the woods until the General's words echo in the back of my mind.

​"Climbing to higher ground will offer you the advantage of seeing your enemies from a distance."

​ I decide to heed his advice and begin climbing a tree with multiple limbs and branches. The climb is easy and I begin jumping from tree to tree for a better view. The branches are close together and aid me in my pursuit.

​The night presses onward and the stars are now illuminating brightly in the sky and I debate on giving up. Then I notice something rustle in the bush across from the tree I perch in. I scoff silently at the thought of it being wolf, but then I watch as it sits up and looks over the leaves. The shadow's hand moves to the top of the bush and something catches the moonlight and reflects the silver shine onto the tree I am in; a watch.

I feel a smirk cloak my lips as I press into the trunk of the tree and begin climbing down to the ground. I tiptoe towards him over the plush grass and when I reach the tree I press my back into it. I slowly begin sidestepping around the base of the tree. The adrenaline pumps through my veins as I round the tree and jump out at the bush, but it's abandoned. I can see where the branches are pressed down, but he is gone. I look around until the sound of a cracking branch catches my attention.

​I race toward the sound coming from another wall of tall bushes and prepare myself for the coming fight. My foot catches on a tree root and it helps me avoid the flying fist that soars over my head. I regain my balance and try to throw a punch of my own, but he is too fast. He avoids my blow and sends a punch into my cheek and I stumble on my feet from the forceful impact. My vision becomes spotted and I turn and except another hit to my jaw. My backside hits the ground hard and causes my head to spin with blurred visions from the painful impacts. I then quickly look up at the dark clothed attacker. This isn't the General's usual fighting tactic and when I look closer I feel my heart drop. My attacker's eyes blaze green, but the General's eyes are brown.

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