Shaking the Ground

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I sit frozen in surprise at the sight of my ally taking the stage. He looks out at everyone and sheds his perfect smile. His sweeping bangs bounce on his forehead and then fall perfectly into place. This is the man Brenan hates, but he seems to be seemingly harmless and rather kind hearted.

"Hello everyone. I am here to address you on Dumani's current situation." He begins, but I tune out his entire speech.

I only manage to grasp a few main words from his speech. He mentions a coming war and our contribution to the fighting. Somehow I manage to block everything else out except for the shock I feel deep down. By now he has managed to locate me in the crowd and from time to time he will smile warmly to me while continuing his speech. I look to Brenan who is now slouching farther down in his seat and glaring at Roth through narrowed eyes. The young Commander then says something that catches my ears.

"We are pets in this war." He begins in a loud booming voice. "Dumani is the little innocent puppy and Tetron is the master. We disobey them and they make our lives hell. The leash strangles us as we try to make our own choices, but eventually we will crack and be forced to follow them. They will order us around and we will hinder in fear as we realize that our master owns us and if we step out of line, we pay the price."

The entire crowd grows loud with whispers and the council member's jaws drop. He has just made a metaphor that will cause these people to be sent into turmoil. There is nothing positive about this coming war in his speech and I can see by the look in the Lieutenant's eyes when he rips the microphone from Roth's hands that he will be punished. Roth remains on stage and continues his speech without the microphone.

"We are the pets and must fight back. This also means that a simple national homicide broadcast across the nations will not end this war. You all think that by pulling the trigger on a man who once owned my current position will end this war. Is that really what you have been led to believe? If a puppy disobeys its master you think it can rekindle their friendship by just begging? No. The same applies to Dumani and Tetron. Do you think by killing an innocent man who made a speech nearly sixteen years ago will make Tetron shrug and call off all their bomb threats? You have all been made blind by hopeful beliefs." He shouts and the crowd appears to be silent while listening to him.

Something inside me seems to have sparked and I feel realization flying through my veins. Everything he has just said makes everything agree to reality. We really are pets to Tetron. Let's face it, they practically own us. They are the reason people fight. They are the reason workers go to work in the factories. They are the reason for everything we do. It's because of Tetron that Dumani strives to become better. They are what drives us to the breaking point. Tetron, our enemy, is also the only thing that gives us hope to look forward to another day. Tetron's very existence is why the work force thrives. It is why I am here and why my father and I are so important. Tetron is the reason for employment, war, and all the current technology and weaponry in this city. We owe Tetron like a homless puppy owes a newfound mastor.

I look to Brenan who looks to Roth with wide eyes. Even he knows deep down that the young Commander is right. The Lieutenant then pushes Roth off the stage and holds the microphone close to his lips.

"Please excuse our young Commander. He knows not what he says. We are not pathetic pets to Tetron. We are stronger and far braver than a little hindering puppy. This broadcast will work and it will end this war." He says while allowing a fake grin cover his trembling lips. Even I can tell that he is lying so surly the rest of the citizens must as well.

For some reason I feel the need to defend my new ally. He is right and the Lieutenant is only trying to convince the crowd that he is wrong when deep down even he agrees with Roth. Everyone knows that Roth is right, they just don't have the gull to admit it, but I do. My body takes on a mind of its own while I stand up from my seat and glare at the man.

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