Harry sick- request

Start from the beginning

Niall's toast popped just as I left the room. I was going to get changed, but only because I wanted a shower.

By the time I got out of the shower Louis was surprisingly up and snuggled under Harry's blanket with him on the couch. Harry was asleep by the looks of it when I entered the room and Louis was leaning his elbow on the arm of the couch staring at the TV.
Niall was in there too and I figured that it would be where we all stayed for the majority of the day. The cold weather was enough to make us all lazy.

I sat down next to Niall on the other couch and whispered a quiet hello, not wanting to wake Harry.

"You don't need to whisper" Harry suddenly murmured, making me jump at the unexpected sound.
"Shit, I thought you were sleeping" I explained as my heart slowed again.
"Nah..." Harry trailed off, coughing into the crook of the massive grey sweater he was wearing.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie or something?" Louis suggested as he flicked through the channels restlessly.
"If it's a good one" Niall shrugged.
It took ages to chose something everybody was happy with but we got there in the end and settled with some comedy that no one had heard of. It was either just dumb or Harrys coughing and sniffling was ruining it but the movie was pretty bad and we decided to play a game afterwards, not wanting to risk watching another waste of time film.

Niall ran off to try and find monopoly as we all knew that it would take up the most time. I wasn't even sure if we had it honestly but Niall was adamant he'd seen it in one of the hall cupboards last week.

I slid off the couch to lean against it when he returned with the box, a wide triumphant smile on his face, "found it!"
He plopped down onto the carpet and tore right into it, grabbing all the pieces out with excitability I could only compare with that of a six year old.
He managed to set up almost all of it with Louis's help while Harry positioned himself tiredly beside me on the floor and then just as we were about to start and ding sound came from all around the room. One from my back pocket, another from the couch and two from the cabinet.

Louis frowned and stood up while I pulled my phone out. I scanned the text over quickly and sighed to myself, "well, I guess we're going out after all."

Trust management to plan a spur of the moment photoshoot and only let us know about it an hour before it started.

"Be there in thirty minutes..." Louis read out loud absentmindedly. Niall looked upset that we weren't going to be able to play his game but I wasn't too fussed. Photoshoots were fun most of the time, and the weather wasn't bad. It was cold, but in that fresh kind of way where the sun was out and there weren't any clouds.
Harry coughed roughly into his sleeve and leaned his head onto the couch with an unhappy sigh.
I supposed a photoshoot was probably one of the last things he felt like doing, poor guy.

I stood up and stretched my arms up before holding an arm out to help him, "time to get moving my friend."
Harry sniffled and let me drag him onto his feet, dropping the blanket to the floor. Goosebumps instantly broke out over his legs and I couldn't help but chuckle. He glared half heartedly and went off to change out of the clothes he wore to bed and get ready to leave. I was pretty much all prepped already so I just sat back down and went back to flipping through TV channels. Niall was still sitting on the floor a few moments later, looking at the monopoly board in disbelief.
"What the hell are you up to Nialler?" I asked, amused by the look on his face.
"I just spent like ten minutes setting this shit up and now we're not gonna even play?" He blurted, looking up at me with a questioning frown.
I rolled my eyes with an easy smile, "just leave it, we'll play tonight or something."
"Fine, I promise. Now go put a shirt on."

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