How Do I Explain

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Jake POV

As Daryl and Rick watch me gently lay Liz on the floor I stand up and it hurts. Daryl slowly walks over to me and helps me up. Rick walks over to liz and Starts to pick her up when some yong lady thats blonde and was wearing a pink shirt along with jean shorts she looks about 30 walks out of the back room of the small Cafe.


Daryl puts my arm over his shoulders so i can stand easier.

"Im Rick and thats Daryl and Jake" said Rick

Mrs.Caroline notices me and says she needs to talk to all of us about Liz but first she will take care of my wounds.

One Hour Later

My injurys are all taken care of and now where led up stairs to what looks like a house. 

"Take a seat ill be back in a sec" said Mrs.Caroline

We slowly put liz on the couch so she can get some rest then we sit on the floor around a chair as if were in kindergraten waiting for the teacher to come in and read us a story. as Mrs.Caroline walks in she is holing what looks like an old photo album. 

"Ok I think Jake already knows what im about to discuss but this is about Liz" Mrs.Caroline starts "Well it all started about 10 years ago when she was 5. Her mother left her father and took her sister Alice with her, once that happened her dad cep her but he started getting into drinking and would bring home a new skut each night. She was forced to grow up fast she also pays all the bills herself but her dad thinks hes paying them. But ever since then shes been bullied and abuesed and this has been done by jakes brother Pj."

"I didnt even know he was doing that until today" i said in a harsh tone.

then there was a scream from liz and she put her hands over her ears and started to shake. Mrs.Caroline ignored her thinking she was faking it until Liz started screaming I was at her side in less then a second. I was half hugging her trying to get her to calm down until we realised she was having a nightmare so i woke her up and she was shocked to see me she looked at me like I was a stranger.


I woke up to see no one other then Jake to be by my side i was freaking out inside because hes my crush. But when i stood up i felt a shock of pain go up my back so i screamed and fell on my knees. Mrs.Caroline didnt even bother hepling me i was a little confused i think she thought i was faking it. But then she told me to lay on the table with my back facing up it hurt to get up so Jake helped me up. Then I noticed Daryl was there he was my old childhood friend i was surprised to see him there but he is Jakes friend. Once i was on the table somthing was poured on my back and it hurt really bad i tried to get up but i was being held down so i just let out a scream.

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