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"Soooo what's the move for tonight." I sighed slipping on my heels once I got in the car.

Lex pulled out two bottles of vodka from the front seat and I squealed. Tonight's gonna be one for the books. I went on Snapchat and took snaps of her holding the bottles before Matt slammed on the breaks. We both bolted forward and I groaned hitting his shoulder.

"So where are we going?"

"I gave lex the address I thought she sent it to you." We all sighed and I pulled up my messages quickly sending him the couple of house address.

"I wanna go to Anthony's!"

Matt and I looked at eachother and I shrugged my shoulders. Anthony and Matt had went way back to like 9th grade. I barley knew Matt and didn't have much guy friends at the time. I remember them being best friends and then one thing lead to another, they started fighting over some highschool thot. Matt had broke Anthonys jaw and ever since then sides had to be taken I guess.

"I could drop you off." He plainly said, she sighed and I looked out the window minding my business.

"Let's just go to a different one thennn." I sighed, He nodded.

My phone started ringing and I smiled at the contact.


"Hey Ramona, what're your plans for tonight." Lex looked back at me.

"Who is it?"

"James." Her lips formed into an O shape and I looked away smiling.

"Umm hey, and nothing much we have a couple of bottles gonna go to a party. What about you?"

"Nothing planned, you guys should come scoop me." I chuckled looking at Matt.

"Matt can we pick up James?" He nodded looking at me through the mirror.

"Be ready on our way."

"Hell yeah!"

And with that I hung up taking a bottle out of Lex's hands, downing it half way. Lex looked at me with her eyebrows raised before taking it and doing the same but not as much. We pulled up in front of James house and he ran out. I was buzzing already.

After about ten minutes of us driving around and bumping music we had pulled up infront of a house packed with drunk teenagers and people everywhere. Excitment rushed through me and i grabbed the half empty bottle of vodka along with my phone and purse before jumping out with the rest of the gang. Lex grabbed my hand and we walked towards the back yard to get in through the back of the house, with Matt and James following closley behind. 

Buzzing with adrenaline and excitment i had let go of Lex's hand and wondered off with the bottle. The four of us split up and decided to call eachother when we were gonna leave. James already had a girl grinding all up on him while Lex was already downing mad shots. For some reason i felt stuck, the alcohol was taking over my throughts and i didnt know what to do, besides stand there and listen to the music playing. 

"You good?" Matt laughed when i jumped, nodding my head. 

"Yeah just thinking alot for some reason."

"Here lemme see that." pointing to the bottle he had took it out of my hands and downed it before handing it back to me.

"Its the first day of summer Ramona dont start over thinking, you worked hella hard this school year. I think its time for you to let lose and do whatever the hell your heart intends too because i think you deserve it." Smiling at me genuinely i had let out a small giggle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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