Author's Note

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I know, I know.. I haven't updated in about a month or two....... Well.... I have excuses.....

Excuses (Might as well make a list):

1. A trip was coming up- My New York trip so I got excited, forgot, and had to prepare for it.

2. Laziness........ This is what happens when you have a carefree spring break... you get lazy.

3. My laptop broke......... Yeah... go me...

4. I had to wait till the end of April to get a new laptop... and my other one broke near the end of that meant no updating for a month....

Yep, that's about it so far............ I will TRY to update more but I ahve a lot of tests coming up and some school work that I need to concentrate on.

Now, some bad news.

I will most likely not post anything during the summer.

Why? Well because I am going to my mom's home country in June for a month and a half... and there is no internet there............ Enough said..

As for the other half of the summer... summer reading/projects. Those take me the whole summer just to read the books and do the project related to it. And every summer I procrastinate which soon leads to having my laptop, iPod, and my phone being taken away.

Yeah, don't expect any updates during the summer because I will most likely not update...

This was just to explain why I haven't updated or anything for a month... Just felt like the need to tell you guys....


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