Final Shirou's Stats

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Okay, I'm putting a final update on Shirou's base stats at the start of each of my stories.  I'm sorry I keep on posting this but I keep on getting ideas.

So here it is:

Spirits of Shirou: EMIYA (base spirit), No Name, Angra Mainyu, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, Solomon, Grand Caster, (false) Kiritsugu Emiya, EMIYA Alter, (false) Black Irisviel von Einzbern, and (false) Chloe von Einzbern.  The false servants means that he adopted the powers, abilities, and memories of the servants, but do not obtain their personalities.

Titles: Iron Wrought Hero, Nameless Archer, All the World's Evils, King of Demons, King of Magic, Magus Killer II

Alignment:  Neutral Good

Attribute: Human, Earth, Heaven

Strength: C

Endurance: C

Agility: A+

Mana: A++

Luck: E(EX)

N. Phantasm: A+++

Class Skills (from Casters, Archers, Assassins, Rulers, and Avengers)

Independent Action: A

Magic Resistance: A

Avenger: A

Oblivion Correction: A

Self-Replenishment (Mana): E

True Name Discernment: B

God's Resolution: C

Territory Creation: EX

Item Construction: C

Presence Concealment: A+

Personal Skills:

Clairvoyance: EX

Eye of the Mind (True): B

Eye of the Mind (False): B

Magecraft: B

Projection Magic: A+

Hawkeye: B+

Tawrich Left Fang Grinder: C

Zawrich Right Fang Grinder: C

Murderous Intent: A

Revelation: A

Charisma: C-

Baptism Rite: B+

High-Speed Incantations: C

Summoning: EX

Solomon's Ring: EX

Affections of the Holy Grail: A+

Scapegoat: C

Bulletproof Treatment: A

Derisive Heart of Steel: A

Kiss Demon: B

Heaven's Feel: C

Pollution: EX

Black Blessing: B

Connection to the Root: C

Noble Phantasms

Unlimited Blade Works - ??? - E~A++

Gate of Babylon - Anti-Unit - B+

Unlimited Lost Works - Anti-Unit - E~A++

Verg Avesta - Anti-Unit - B+

Twin Arm - Big Crunch - Anti-Army - EX

Left Arm - Xanadu Matrix - Anti-Unit - D

Right Arm - Evil Eater - Anti-Unit - D

Ars Nova - Anti-Unit - D

Ars Paulina - ??? - ???

Ars Almadel Salomis - Anti-Humanity - EX

Chronos Rose - Anti-Unit - B

Phantasm Punishment - Anti-Unit - C+

Triple-Linked Crane Wings - Anti-Unit - C

Avalon - Barrier - EX

Shirou's stats are survival of the fittest.  Only the best of the stats will be allowed.

If you're wondering why Shirou has two reality marbles, Unlimited Blade Works/Unlimited Lost Works and Ars Paulina, it's because the Unlimited Blade/Lost Works is Shirou's true reality marble and Ars Paulina is an irregular reality marble given to him when he, as Solomon, became a Heroic Spirit.

In terms of magical abilities, Shirou can properly represent almost all magecraft in the Nasuverse.  He's obtained immense magical knowledge because Zelretch combined him with his others selves, which have each been raised by many other magical bloodlines, including Kotomine, Einzbern, Velvet, Aozaki, Matou, etc.  By being both Solomon and Amakusa Shirou, he can use any magecraft, though he will mostly use his projection, reinforcement, alteration, and runic magecraft.

Shirou has also achieved true magic, Heaven's Feel and Kaleidoscope.  While Shirou has mastered Heaven's Feel, he can only utilize Kaleidoscope through a Mystic Code, but with Unlimited Blade Works, this can be easily solved.

In physical abilities, Shirou's strength and endurance are slightly lower than Wonder Woman, though he can increase this with his magecraft.  Shirou's speed makes him one of the most fastest in whatever universe he is in and when utilizing Murderous Intent, he can move as fast as the Flash.  Shirou's Mana levels are extremely high and while his luck is the same as when he was an Archer, he can raise it to EX level through Affections of the Grail.

Shirou's Noble Phantasms from the Unlimited Blade Works have been enhanced so that they are perfectly reconstructed.

He's gained the sorcery trait Wish Granting through Einzbern experimentation.

His fighting abilities are some of the best in any universe.  He can master almost any weapon due to his powers and has gained fighting abilities from every martial arts from every martial artist he has met.  Such fighting styles include Kuzuki's Snake fighting style, Bazett's mixed martial arts, Bajiquan, Chinese Kenpo, Lancashire style, and a many others.

You might be thinking I made Shirou too OP but Shirou has been created by Alaya to completely destroy any threats to his universe and with all the reality warping and time manipulation abilities, he's going to need this power.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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