Chapter Eleven: How Can One Bitch Be So Naive?

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Chapter Eleven: How Can One Bitch Be So Naïve?

Sometimes, I wished that things could go differently with my Mom, I really did. She had showed her ass off to my Dad and confronted him that day but lately she wasn't doing the same. If I didn't know better, than I'd swear that she was fucking around with him again. She had better not be. She was my Mother but seriously, her obsession with him was becoming annoying, more so than any of the other things that had been annoying me lately. Seeing her around the house lately was surprising to me. What was she doing around, looking so happy and speaking on the phone with him? He had fucking placed his hands on me, it would be of the utmost disrespect and inconsideration for her to sit there and mess around with him again.

That was one of the first things on my agenda today: confronting my Mother about this. If she couldn't use her own common sense then I would. I would set her ass straight and tell her all about this man, who not to mention, less than a week ago, I had saw with one of Jasmine's, Mother's friends at the club (where I had been with Quinn, illegally...) getting down. That old broad had looked like she was about to fuck him right there on the dance floor. It had disgusted me. I had taken a picture for proof. I had been pissed too. This nigga was once playing my Momma again. I wanted to see how she would take this. Maybe, this time, she'd keep her silly ass away from him...

My Mom seemed as if she needed some type of protection from the whims of that broke down dusty ass nigga. She couldn't seem to grasp the concept of what it meant to be independent and exclusive. She seemed to always find her way back to him. It didn't make any sense to me at all. I was fifteen and even I knew that it wasn't healthy to have the obsession that she had with my Dad. She was bipolar about the whole thing to top it off. She hated him one minute, then the next she was crying over him and wanting him back. That was her cycle. I could deal with that. I didn't know exactly how to react to the shit that she had been going through lately.

She seemed happy. I was willing to bet money that she was happy being with his dusty ass again. Seemed like it. Now, if I was wrong and she had a new man then I wouldn't trip over that. That would be accepted, but him, I shook my head.

Running a hand through my hair, I looked around my room, grabbed the jean dress that I had decided to wear for the day, and slid it over my head. It stopped a little past mid-thigh and shaped my figure like a glove. It was black and red dress and I had a pair of Nike heels that were red and black to go with it. My hair was down and curly from the shower I had took earlier. I had actually gone with a more natural scent today: honey. The body wash I had used had been honey milk.

After examining my appearance in the mirror once more, I headed down the stairs. My Mom wasn't home right now, but I knew where she was. She was at work or that was what she had been telling me. She worked downtown at the Secretary of State. She was the person who took the pictures and received the money for state IDs and driver's licenses. I was going down there next year to get my state ID. Mrs. Johnson had already agreed to take Miranda and me to Driver's Ed. this year.

I focused my attention back to the task at hand and sighed. I was going for my first venture onto the city bus. Quinn was busy doing something with Tre, Eric, and Jaden. I rolled my eyes. I knew it had something to do with them and those damn streets. They wouldn't be able to leave the streets until it came back to bite them in the ass. I didn't think that any of it was the worth risks that they faced every day that they went out there.

My phone began to play "Crazy in Love" by Beyoncé and I knew that it was Quinn calling me. "What you want, boy?" I greeted him.

He chuckled. "Nothing just checking on you to make sure you're not doing any of that crazy shit or starting drama like you usually do."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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