Chapter Ten: Back Off...

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Chapter Ten: Back Off…

Two weeks after I agreed to be Quinn’s girlfriend, I couldn’t help but get the feel that Tre, Eric and Jaden were pissed at me. Whenever, I saw either of the three then they’d give me a look that said, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

To be frank I was getting tired of the damn look. I was ready to smack the shit out of all of them. My relationship with Quinn was my business. If they didn’t like it then they could go kick rocks for all I cared. Quinn wasn’t anything like what they had warned me about, he wasn’t a player who was trying to get in my pants. He had yet to address the issue.  

He was sweet, attentive and if anything since we had started going out he paid more attention to me than he did before. Every time he saw me regardless of where we were, he kissed me and gave me a hug. The look in his eyes was one of tenderness and possessiveness whenever other guys came around me. At school girls looked at me with envy, niggas stared harder and haters hated even more. He picked me up from school and I still caught rides with Miranda and Josh because they were homeys. I wasn’t about to leave my homeys behind just because I had finally decided to woman up and try a relationship.

Sighing, I dropped the duffel bag in the gym, next to the bleachers and strode over to the captain of the dance team. We were practicing new routines and I had dropped cheerleading as if it was nothing. Jasmine and her crew were still pissed about it, but what did I care? They had lost me as a dancer and I had gained a group with which I was quickly becoming attached to the hip. The captain of the dance team was a senior named Rachel. She was a nice person for a female. She had taken a liking to me in the past two weeks and was training me as if I were going to be one of the next choreographers on the team.

In dance terms at our school there were several different important positions. Captain, co-captain, choreographer, head of dance, musical coordinator, associative recorder, treasurer, secretary, and a few other behind the scene positions.

The captain of the team was the representative of the team and the leader. The captain and co-captain were supposed to make sure everything ran smoothly, that the coach was aware of the routines, scheduled dances and other such things. They also sat with the treasurer and secretary and helped to create fundraisers to help sponsor our travels over to other schools and various dance competitions.  Rachel was the captain and Trey was the co-captain.

Choreographer was given the sole responsibility of creating dances and teaching the routines to the others on the team. The dances had to be gone over with coach before being presented to the group. The choreographer worked accordingly with the head of dance, musical coordinator and associative recorder. Staying up to date with new dances, the routines of previous years and a variety of other things fell into the hands of the choreographer. On our team there were four choreographers and they worked together to make harmony amongst us all. Sheldon, Brant, Keyshia and Ashanti were the choreographers of the team.

The head of dance was a simplistic but complicated position. As head of dance, one was required to attend dance competitions of rivaling teams to figure out exactly how far ahead of us they were. Sometimes they were sent to regular games to scope the cheer team as well. The head of dance also kept up to date on new dances from music videos. The position was one of busyness and constantly kept the holder of the position on their toes. There were currently five of them. I had met three of the five. The other two were off somewhere watching a rival school at a game. Alicia and Quay were easy to get along with but Jamil was forever trying to spit game at me.

The secretary and treasurer were in my opinion the two most important and responsible positions on the team. They organized and planned dance events with the coach who then propositioned them to the principle. They started ideas for fundraisers, called the necessary people to clear some space when needed and overall made sure that the team was able to manage. There was a lot of math and responsibility involved with those two positions and they had to report to coach every week with information.

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