C10: Passanger (Lightning)

Start from the beginning

I knew all that, and wasn’t troubled in the least. I wanted to help bring about an end to the civil war. So here I am, in the middle of preparations for an important meeting, The plan is to have all the parties involved come together in another country, away from the battlefields, and have them sit down and talk. I don’t know if this is going to work. I can’t even rule out the possibility that there may be assassins out to get me, courtesy of those who want to sabotage the negotiations.

But it doesn’t matter if I end up killed, all that means is that I’ll be meeting Caius Ballad again. If I bite the dust while walking on the path I believe to be right, so be it; I think I’ll be able to stand before the God of Death with pride in my eyes this time.

I’m not so vain as to think that I can change the world all by myself. But I believe that I can help steer the world in a better direction. That’s the courage, the hope I found in the story of “that other world”.

Every time I think of that story, my heart brightens a little.

Chapter 10: Passenger

I’m just coming out of dreamland, and I wish I could have had a little more sleep. I really want to get some rest on this train ride; work kept me up late last night, and there’s an important meeting waiting for me, where I’m headed. It had been a pleasant doze; I was able to relax in the comfortable train seats and feel the rhythmical duet of wheels and rail drum through me. It was nice, and I wish it didn’t have to end.

I close my eyes, and for a while I give myself over to the rock and sway of the train. At some point, an intense light pierces through my eyelids. I’m drenched by the sunlight filtering in through the window; I reluctantly open my eyes and look out. The skies are a clear blue, and the verdant countryside spreads before me, under the bright clean sunlight. I’ll only get to my destination sometime in the evening, so that’s still a long ways off. Shouldn’t hurt to catch a few more z’s in the meantime.

Eventually the train begins to slow, little by little. We must be nearing the next station. I hear footsteps approach from behind, then go past me. Must be a passenger getting off. Through the dividers of my box seat, I catch a glimpse of the back of a light coat. A woman with hair the colour of roses.

I’m wide awake the next instant.

It strikes me like lightning. I jump to my feet like I’d been burned, and whisper, in a daze:


She stops.

She turns towards me, a sharp look on her face. I don’t blame her; I’d have my defenses up, too, if a stranger called out to me, without warning. But under that hard expression, I think I see a hint of Serah Farron there, too.

It’s Lightning, no question about it. Her name came up in every single one of the interviews I conducted. It’s ironic. I wanted so badly to meet her, but couldn’t find my way to her. And now here I am, face-to-face with her, by complete accident.

She doesn’t say anything. I begin to talk.

“I’ve always wanted to meet you. I met with everyone, but you were the only one I couldn’t get to.”

She seems to know what I’m talking about.

“…I see, so it’s you.”

The edge in her look fades away.

“The reporter who’s been calling on everyone, and wants to meet me – yes, I’ve heard about you.”

“Please, I would very much like to interview you.”

A deafening screech from the rails drowns out my voice. The train is quickly losing speed. We’re reaching the next stop.

She steals a glance out the window, and shakes her head.

FINAL FANTASY XIII: Reminiscence Tracer Of The MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now