He began sobbing, babbling pleases and mumbling sorry over and over again as I attempted to stand up. "Please don't leave me. I miss your mom, I regret it. I regret everything! Please Harleen... Please don't leave me like this," he sobbed, and I had never seen a man cry like this before. I froze, panicking as I did not know what to do.

I slammed the phone back onto the side of the booth, walking away as I could hear him screaming and crying and pounding on the glass, and it became muffled as he was dragged away as I made my way out of the building. This was a bad idea.


Audrey sat on the bed, still looking at my scarred knuckles with a disappointed look on her face. "I am extremely disappointed in you, Harley—"

"I can't see why. Those tapes had the gruesome answer to the question I've asked since I was old enough to have a good memory. Of course I was going to freak out, Audrey, you know me!"

She sighed, still angry that I had lost my temper in such a bad way. There were still very small shards of the tapes in the carpet. "And I cant believe you visited your murderer of a father in prison. I understand the tapes, but what was it? Who sent these to you?" She asked.

"Gina. She called me using that stupid voice. Pretended it wasn't her, and she left them in my mail box."

Audrey's eyes widened immediately, and she paced back and forth. "Harley, this is not Gina. How the fuck would she even get those? There is a new killer. You're a target. He showed you these for a reason!"

"Just stop!" I shrieked, worried that Audrey would drive herself crazy with these conspiracies. "You're acting worse than Noah right now. Audrey, just sit down please. Take a deep breath, for fucks sake."

Audrey sat down on my bed, sighing out as her eyes began tearing up. I had never seen her so broken. She leaned against the head board of the bed, sighing. "You can't dwell on this forever. You can't sit here and think that every little thing is a sign that there is a new killer. Let it go," I tried, but she seemed to be getting angrier and angrier at me.

"Easy for you to say. You have no fucking clue what I've been through." She began pacing again, and I sighed. I thought I had calmed her down by now.

"You're right. I have no clue, but, why do I need to have a clue? I've been through some rough shit too, okay? I watched my fucking mother get murdered!" I shouted. Even though I told her, her face would turn into complete sadness at the mention of it. "I'm sorry," She said, softly. She acted suddenly as if I were a deer she was trying to approach.

Audrey didn't say anything more, only sat on the edge of the bed. "Everything is just so fucked up," she whispered. By the tone of her voice, I could tell that she wanted to cry for me. My pain was always her pain, and her pain was mine.

"I'll never forget the tone of his voice when he saw me watching. He sounded so broken. The way he sobbed my name as I ran to the neighbors house. It hurts thinking about it. He was such a good person, it's hard knowing that he was capable of this," I explained. It was true. I would always tear up when I remembered the look on his face when he knew that he was for sure going to lose his little girl.

Audrey padded the spot next to her, and I sat down on the bed with her. She draped her arm over my shoulder, leaning back onto the soft mattress with me going down with her. She scooted up to the pillows, laying her head back and bringing me with her.

"Your wounds are healing," I mentioned with a small smile. She smiled with me, but I could still see that pain in her eyes. The pain of feeling the way she felt for me, and the one thing giving it away the most was the way her smile faded so quickly. Her hair was covering her eyes, but I brushed it back. I wanted to see her eyes.

"I love you so much," I whispered. I could hear the pain in my own voice, the tears I felt buried inside were ready to slip out. She grazed her thumb over the bare skin of my hip, and smiling dearly at me as she leaned in and pressed her lips firmly against mine.

I melted into the kiss, letting out a satisfied sigh. I loved her lips. No matter what was happening in the world around us, I felt happy when I was kissing her. Her warm hands traveled up my body, and she was being gentle enough for me to release a sigh. God damnit.

She pulled away from me, leaning down into my neck. She kissed my neck gently, and then roughly. I could barely stand her teasing, her rubbing her pelvis against me on purpose, and still only kissing me. Half of my mind was focused on what happened earlier, how my father cried so hard for my forgiveness.

I found myself shifting uncomfortably as Audrey was kissing me, and she noticed it and immediately stopped to look at me. "You okay?" She asked. I nodded, pecking her lips. "I just can't stop thinking about earlier," I told her.

She kissed my forehead, giving me a look of sympathy. "I know. It's hard to talk to someone who did something so horrible to you," she reassured me. Her reassurance was all I needed to wrap my hand around the back of her neck and pull her lips to mine.


Trauma ➸ Audrey Jensen [1]Where stories live. Discover now