Im not surprised.

Justin has a lot of money.

Ross: do you ever think about the fact that you're 21, and he's 23?

Laura: age doesnt matter....

Ross: but he's also turning 24.

Laura: and like I said, that doesnt matter.

She paused.

Laura: what matters is that we're both happy, and we are.


Laura: what? No!

Laura's on the phone with her mom.

Apparently the principal called at Camila's school. And Ellen wants Laura to go get her to go get her cause she's busy.

Laura: mom, you know I cant go to Camila's school....With lots, and lots of screaming teenagers. I cant do that.

Ellen: Laura, I can't leave the dinner here..... please, just do me this favour.

The phone was on speaker.

I remember what time when Laura asked if I could come with her to Camila's school for her parents evening because Ellen was busy....

My god...NEVER again.

We got there at 2pm, and left there at 7:30 in the evening.


We met so many fans, we signed do many autographs, and took so many pictures with the fans.

I love meeting fans. It's really fun....But 5 freaking hours?

Never doing that again.

Laura: fine.

She sighed.

Laura: But you owe me big time, because I'm literally risking my life.

Wow Laura. Such a drama queen.

She hung up the phone, and turned to me smiling.

Laura:.... heeeeeey Rooooosss--

Ross: NO. I am not coming coming with you. I hope that is clea---

Laura: Pleeeeaaaassseeee-- cmon.....Best friend...?


No. No. No. No. No.

I swore to never step foot in that high school, ever again

Ross: call Justin to go with you.

Laura: I can't. Hes working till late at night today......please.




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