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I'm a father. An actual father. My son, Miles Anthony Iero, was right here in my arms sleeping like an angel.

Jamia's doctor let Gerard come in, and he was tearing up.

"He's beautiful, Frankie. Jamia, you two are so lucky." I kissed Gee's forehead as Jams smiled at us.


The hospital released Jams after an hour of checking on Miles.

"Um, Frank? How would you feel about getting custody of Miles?" Jamia suddenly sprung this question on me. I was so surprised.

"J-Jamia, I, I... I  don't know what to say? Gee, do we even have the room?" I turned to Gee who was still a bit teary.

"I could turn my office into a nursery. I'm pretty shure that my parents have some stuff from when Mikey was a baby?" Jamia quickly handed Miles over to me, and with out saying anything, she left.

"Jamia? Where the hell are you going?" I yelled after her, but she didn't answer. She just kept walking twords her car, when she reached it I knew it was too late.

"We don't even have a car seat! What the hell?" Gee, and I walked twords his car, Miles was still asleep in my arms as I sat down in the passenger's seat.

"We'll be okay Frankie. Don't worry, just think positive!" Gee drove down I-95 twords Belleville. A million questions flooded my head as we drove.

Is raising Miles in Belleville really safe? Will I have to drop out of school? What if something happens to Gerard and I?

My heart was racing in my chest. I felt like I was going to be sick with worry, everything was just coming so fast.

What if I'm a terrible father?

"Baby are you okay?" Gee must've thought that I was worried because he squeezed my hand as we drove

"What? Oh, y-yeah yeah." I brought my sleeping son closer to my chest as Gerard looked at me with worry plastered on his face.

<Skip to their house>

I put Miles down for a nap in our room, and went into the living room where Gerard was waiting for me.

"I'm so happy for you baby. I love you so much." Gerard pulled me into a hug as we sat on the couch.

"I love you too Gee," I was still really nervous, I just know that I'll mess up raising Miles," Gee? I don't know if I'm really the best person to be raising Miles. I just know I'll mess up."

"Baby, it's okay. You'll be fine, plus I'm right here with you. You're the best person to be Miles' dad. I love you so much." I kissed Gee's cheek, and nuzzled into his chest.

"I love you more." I felt Gee kiss my head as we cuddled on the couch.


The next morning I woke up alone in bed. I knew Frankie had just gotten up because his side of the bed was still warm.

After I got dressed I found Frankie in Bandit's room with Miles. I had brought up Bandit's old crib from the basement, and put it in her room for Miles.

"Oh, morning babe." I walked over to where Frankie was rocking Miles in a chair, and kissed his forehead. Frankie looked so tired, but he smiled anyways

"Frank, did you get any sleep last night?" He shrugged, and yawned a bit afterwards.

"I was going back, and forth all night because Miles was crying." I felt really bad for Frank. Jamia had just told him that she was pregnant yesterday, and now he's a father. No preparation at all.

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