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Plaid Is A Clear Colour

They hit my side with antagonizing force. I didn't feel it. They yelled down at me, words inaudible and quiet. I didn't hear it. These days make me want to not feel it or hear it. I block it out. It was successful. The only thing putting an obstacle between success and loss is my sight. I could see, when the blood didn't cover my eyes. I could see when my mother was being hit. I could see when my dad didn't blame himself for his drinking problem.
Truth was, I could hear, and I could feel. I chose not to. Someone told me, when I was young, that "We always had a choice". I thought of it as a theory, then I tested it. It almost surprised me, though without feeling, how much his words spoke honestly. Damn, I don't feel, but not feeling anything is like being underwater. Numb, even. Why is it? Why can't I change my choice? Switching it at most would be nice. Not that I'm complaining about not being able to feel pain. I just blink and breath at most. The only thing that matters. I could kick a dog and not feel emotionally broken by the whine coming from the box of voices in it's throat. A boy is walking up to me, strange. No one walks up to me, without judgment and fists up.
"Hey." The boy was shy. I could easily tell. He had a scratch on his hand. Cat? No, to big. Human? No, improper, even for him. It was fresh. Didn't look as painful as it could have. A dog. Oh, a dog person. Great, not that it matters. He had a considerably sharp jaw line, as it trailed up his head. His ears were sharp. A scar? No, he has  his ears pierced. Too big for anything small and simple. Gauges maybe; 1 inch gauge. Exactly. HIs nose was sharp, as was his cupid's bow. His lips were bruised, who had done that? Counting by his sleeve covering his arms, his skinny jeans, and raggedy hair. He didn't have a good home, better than mine, but again, no matter. He's hurt emotionally and physically.
Yet, he walked up to me and actually spoke. For once my ears didn't block out sound. The force of the wind, hit my face like a punch, I didn't flinch nonetheless.
"Hello." I replied, moving my leg to where my shin sat upon my leg, relaxed, though my body was tense, still blocking out feeling.
"May I sit with you?" I forgot I was on the bench outside of my school. 5:30pm, my watch had said three minutes ago, so it was in fact 5:33pm. Shouldn't this boy be at his flat by now. A flat looks like the only thing he could afford. Or his parents. I didn't move over, it's not my fault if he can't fit on the bench. I nodded, him sitting down beside me soon after.
It was cold, body heat helped me, but that was one of the things I could feel. Warmth as well. Hard to block it out. My body began its nervous tick as it started to shiver.
"Are you col-" Thunder was heard. I didn't move or look anywhere other than in front of me.
"No. It will rain soon." I finished answering questions before he could finish. He jumped slightly when another thunderstorm 'noise' was heard. Only I could notice it. He was hiding a phobia. Of thunder I assume correctly.
"Y-yeah. I realized that." He was scared and wasn't showing it. Well, he was, but anyone who isn't me, wouldn't be able to notice. He was gripping his shirt. Red it was. Pattern close to plaid. Incorrect. It was just plaid. Boring is what my mind thought. But no matter, it's them; not me. He was shivering. As was I. Rain began to sprinkle, then it poured. I got up, he did as well. We ended walking together, in silence. He was quite attractive, for the normal standards. He walked quite fast. He's a runner. Long distance, proven by the muscle build up on his shin. Thunder struck loudly and I heard a quiet 'wimper-like' sound. I looked at him once more, he fears this. Normal people like comfort. I get closer to him, I was correct, he stopped shaking as much.
"You're sure you're not cold?" I didn't notice that I was shivering until now.
"I'm positive." I responded lowly.
He stayed quiet for a bit then grumbled something. I tried to make out the words, then I gave up. Not because it was too hard to figure out, I just didn't give the effort to care. We kept walking when suddenly he stopped, making me stop as well. He took off his jacket and threw it to me, of course I had caught it.
"Put it on, and don't be so content at hiding your shivering. You're cold, let me help." He stated in way that almost made me listen. I put on the jacket, so I wouldn't get lectured. Warm it was.
He looked down as we continued walking, he smiled to himself. He thinks he won. Ordinary thought, and an immature one at that.
He had dimples, it was nice to see that he had laughed before. I could tell because he had "laugh imprints", as in he's laughed and smiled so much that it had made his face used to such. We arrived at a field that led into a park. He looked over at it, interested.
We ended up walking into the field and sat under shade, where the ground was less damp than the rest. There was a calm silence, which he broke.
"What's your name?"
"I just wanted to know is all."
He looked at me strangely, as if he didn't understand what words meant, which wasn't a far stretch for ordinary people.
"Rhan? That's,"
I waited for an answer through a long pause, knowing it most likely will be-
Stupid. He didn't say that. I'm surprised, but I obviously don't show it. I nodded my head at him in sheer respect. He smiled a bit, it made me almost crack a smirk. Why? It felt like he had asked me to smile, or he had emotionally made me happy. No, he just made me smile. He made me, happy.
"Mine is Vick." He smiled brightly now, his teeth weren't perfect, but his smile made them look aligned. The corners of his teal eyes crinkled whenever his cheeks had risen. 'Vick', that was unique as well. I had never heard of this in person.
Vick moved to sit opposite of me, and I could tell when he looked up from the ground. He thought I couldn't see. He kept studying my hair; curly as it was, he looked interested in it.
"What?" He jumped a bit.
"I saw you eyeing my hair, yes?"
"Yeah, I thought it was cute. I love curls." He smiled a little, and he looked down again. His cheeks were redning. He was embarrassed? What did I do? Nothing wrong, I presume. I usually don't, but it depends if I'm paying attention or not.
"Why did you flinch?"
"I just wasn't really used to your voice."
"Hmm..." I answered in thought, but there was no need to speak. We sat in silence, it was dreadfully boring, but it was clam as well.
He looked up every once and awhile, sharing his eyes with the sky. He seemed to be so interested in something that barely matters.
"Rhan?" I heard him ask in a muffled tone, as if he didn't want to interrupt my thinking process.
"Yes?" I responded blankly.
"It's, um, getting quite late." I looked at my surroundings, he was right, the clouds had darkened, and the sky was a shade a bit darker than egg yolk, as it radiated the movements of the sun.
"I see, and you would like to leave, yes?" I started to get up, grabbed the thin jacket sleeve, making me flinch, unaware how cold his touch would be.
"We don't have to leave yet." He didn't look at me.
"Are you okay?" I forced it out of my mouth, my vocal chords straining at the thought of emotion. I don't this question very much, but people like to be asked this, correct?
He looked at me, his eyes shining with pain, memories and memories of it. My eyes stared back, darkened around the edges, hiding the emotion.
"I'm... fine. I just enjoyed this time with someone new. You're quite an-" He paused and looked at his hand, still attached to the jacket he had lent me. ", interesting person." He looked back up at me, smiling. I smiled back; I don't get compliments.
I chuckled a bit. "You are as well." I was speaking honestly, considering he conversed with someone like me, it makes him interesting.
He got up and laughed a bit back. We started walking out of the field before we knew it, the sky was damp, grey, with a touch of an ocean colour. The moon had risen, but we didn't mind it much. Our footsteps in the grass, or concrete, was the only sound heard the the silent night. I took of the jacket and handed it to him, feeling the bumps arrive on my skin. He just simply chuckled.
"Rahn, no, you're still cold."
"I am not." I realised I started to bicker like a child.
We waited in silence until he pushed the jacket towards me, we started to laugh. Wait. We started to laugh. I don't do that. What is happening? I don't want him by me anymore. He's making me feel all the things I've blocked out. I can hear him. I was talking to him. I watched him. I can smell his scent of the jacket. It made me-- calm. A smell, made me calm. He's ruining me. Endangering himself. I don't want to break him. Why should I even care if I do or not! Someone with no emotion shouldn't care to put someone down, hurt them, empty their feelings. I shouldn't care to cross paths with the devil, to kill someone's future, or remind them of their teched past. I shouldn't ca-
"Are you alright?" That voice. It was so smooth as it exited through his teeth. He seemed concerned. Worried for me. Me? I just told myself not to care, but I can't stop myself. He shouldn't have entered my life! He ruined me! He... Ruined me.
"Why?" I answered coldly. He was almost taken back.
"Because... I asked. So, you should answer." He stopped, making me stop. We looked towards one another.
"I'm fine, thank you." His eyes cleared up, as if he was inspired by something. He looked away and started to speak.
"Do you... " He glanced at me, embarrassed. "Have anyone?"
Have? What does that mean. Why don't I understand this?
"What?" He looked at me, stepping closer.
"Are you... in any kind of relationship?"
I thought for a moment, why would he ask. I looked at him strangely, tilting my head. He smirked a bit and looked in my eyes, as if repeating the question. I shook my head. He stepped even closer, I didn't move, there was no point; I'm not scared of him. He put his hand on my chest, through the jacket, goosebumps arrived as the jacket slipped a bit. He pushed me back against the brick wall we were near by. My back came in contact with the solid wall and I winced a bit feeling the edges of the bricks. He got on his toes and came close to my face, feeling his breath on mine. His lips brushed against mine, his toes went up higher to meet my height. He leant inwards, pressing them against mine. The taste of toothpaste and chapstick was present on my lips. He closed his eyes, as did I. I moved mine with his, matching his slow pace. I was surprised and almost shaking but his hand slid down and went up to my chin pulling it down so he could hit ground level. My hands went into his hair. He's making me human.

This was a pitch, I hope you guys like it, and if you do, please comment down below! I never really introduced myself, so,
Hello, I am Anthony, and welcome to a story I've finally updated on after sitting on it for almost a year. I'm on here frequently and I love all types of stories, yes, even FanFic.
I do except educational criticism, or grammar fixes, but please do be polite as I do not except sheer comments such as, "That's not a useful word." Or "Them* not thhem."
Thank you so much for reading if you have, it truly means a lot! Also, tell me if you want more authors notes, that's only if I continue, but, I can become quite a bother so, I'd better be off!

Bye, loves!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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