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From my experience words can tear somebody down over time, even if what is being said isn't true. When you hear it over and over every day you start to believe it, and eventually you become a shell of your old self.

There's only one thing that keeps me going, my little sister Emily. She deserves better than this life of anything but happiness.  I was only thirteen at the time she was four  years old. I remember that day clearly, when they passed that is. It was me, Emily, and our mom Amy. I was in our living room watching some baby show with Emily by my side when I heard my mother yelling and screaming and then it went quiet. I went to go look for her in the kitchen cause that's where the screaming was coming from. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest and Emily crying in the background, but I wasn't worried about her. I looked in that house for hours only to be disappointed and broken inside. My father turned out to be missing to. His name was Michael. Emily and I were in foster care for three weeks before we were adopted and those were the worst days of my life or at least I thought. Then I met Rus and Jenni. They seemed like the perfect family at first, with a beautiful home and nice things but on the inside of that home bad things happen. At first verbal abuse, telling me how worthless I am, and my parents were gone because of me. Emily was too young to understand so they left her alone. It generally got worse over the years eventually amounting to physical exploitation and they still left Emily alone and I thanked god for that every day. My name is Allison Williams and this is how I survive.

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