Dinner at Utterson's

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Another transformation just ended.
Henry was on his knees, his hands placed on the red carpet in the middle of his cabinet, and his eyes wide opened. He sat on the ground, and began taking deep shaky breaths through his teeth.
In his mind the memories of what Hyde had seen began mixing with his own, in a mess of confused blurry figures that danced inside his head. A moment he was seeing a silvery haired, fully grown, smiling gentleman, and the next second this figure was the one of that same person, but much younger, and happier, and then back to the middle aged version. The more Jekyll concentrated on that blurry image, the more his head was aching; enthusiasm was superimposed to horror, which, for its part, was superimposed to fear, joy, melancholy... in an ever ending chain of fighting emotions.

Without noticing, he started playing and scratching his own hands neurotically, and moving his toes frenetically. This scenario was painfully familiar to him. He forcibly bit his lip, trying to fight pain with pain.

As a flood, more images followed the ones above. Soon another kid was next to the white haired one; a child with brown bright hair, determined manners that expressed confidence, and a happy grin between his red cheeks. More happiness added, along with an unknown fear.
These two figures started flashing and fading, as an old man appeared, with brownish hair, and dull, greenish watery eyes staring at him. The man's expression was pained, as he tried to whisper something, but unsuccessfully.
Henry's body started twitching, as he fought those memories, pleaded them to go away, begged for something to hide them from his sight.

And something did arrived to shield him from this unwanted images.
A warmth started spreading throughout his body. A calming sensation, that was foreign to him... although he could swear he had already felt it before. The taunting figure blurred away, but despite this, he still was scared and somewhat confused.

Suddenly, Henry founded himself back in his laboratory. His cheeks were wet, and his lip was feeling strange. He brought a weak hand to his mouth, and discovered that his lips where covered in blood.
His eyes wondered around the room, and stopped on the mirror, in which there was a shocked Edward.
"What... what just happened?"

Jekyll looked down.
The warm, calming sensation... that was him. It was what he felt when he was Hyde.
Jekyll looked back at Hyde.

"...I could ask you the same thing."


In the following weeks, Henry became more and more intrigued by the mystery surrounding his other self. When was the last time he felt so calm? Did he ever felt like that before? Curiosity grew like ivy inside him. He desired more than anything else to see more of Hyde. Taking the potion, and studying that familiar stranger from within, became a habit for Jekyll.
Hyde, by his side, didn't quite get the reason behind such interest, but didn't questioned it, and blithely lived his life.
Weeks and weeks passed. Hyde's life was quite simple, but in his simplicity, it brought to the blond man an overwhelming joy.
His routine was centered around the hospital, and working there took away most of his time; although, that changed overtime.

The blonde man grabbed his coat. Another day of work at the hospital just ended.
"Goodbye Gabriel! See you tomorrow!" He said, waving happily.
"Hey, Edward..." interrupted Utterson, making Hyde stop on the entrance. "How about we go for a tea tomorrow?"
"Oh- yes! Absolutely!"
"Okay then, see you tomorrow!"

That was only the first of many other encounters between the two. First a tea, then a coffe, a breakfast, a lunch... The two men started bonding pretty quickly, becoming everyday more and more close.
To Utterson, that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship, but to Hyde, that was much more. It was like finding a long lost brother, and rediscovering that beautiful lost relationship, after years of being miles and miles away...

The strange swap of Dr Hyde and Mr JekyllWhere stories live. Discover now