A not so gentle gentleman

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"Master is late. Again." Mumbled an elderly man with white hair.
"You mustn't be worried." Replied a young man, with a reassuring smile.
"I'm not worried about that pompous idiot. I'm just tired and I'd love to go to sleep."
"... anyway, he'll be here soon. I'm sure of it."
"oh what a delight. Our master will be here soon to bless us with his presence! ...I just hope that douchebag has a good excuse for making us wait for so long."

Two men were standing in the hallway of the house. The first one, was Jasper Pidgley, a 17 year old boy, who worked as a butler and as a cook in the house. He was worriedly looking at the dark door in front of him, wondering what was keeping his master away for so long; the other was Danvers Attilius Harris. He also worked as a servant in the house. He was looking at the very same door, but with an angry expression. His foot was tapping impatiently on the silky red carpet beneath him, showing off all his frustration.

"Unbelievable." Began Danvers, clearly eager to let out all his anger. "It was specifically stated in my contract that I'd have the nights off. Yet here I am! Working till the middle of the night while I should be home, taking care of my family. And does he even pay me more for doing the long hours?" He started staring at Jasper, raising his brows and then waited for him to answer. The young man sighed. "..no."
"Exactly! He never does! It's ridiculous, absurd, unbe-"

Suddenly, the door opened.
A man came in: dark wavy hair, slim build, ruby wearied eyes, with a subtle light of malice in them, and a pale delicate skin. Everything about that figure, his posture, his movements, his firmness, everything suggested nobility and high status, but his expression, along with his whole body bearded the mark of an inner decay. It was like a Prince Charming who had to live for years in the pits of hell.

"Mr Jekyll! You're finally here!" Exclaimed Jasper, who momentarily forgot about his role as a simple servant and let his brother-like affection take over.
Jekyll gave a quick glance at his servants with the red eye that wasn't covered by his wavy hair. "I thought I gave all my servants specific orders. Why are you two the only ones here?"
Danvers clenched his fists. "Because it's midnight. It's been a long day and they deserve to sleep, Sir." He said, spitting out that last word like it was poisonous.
The brown haired gentleman looked down at his servant. "That is not my concern. I ordered them to wait until my return before taking to their rooms, and they should have obeyed." Replied Henry simply.
"But, sir-" "I don't recall asking your opinion Harris." A vein on Danvers' forehead began pulsing menacingly, but Jekyll didn't pay attention to it.

Nobody spoke for a few moments, then, all of a sudden, Danvers talked again. "Sir, if I may, I would like to have a word with you, about-" the man's phrase was interrupted by Henry, who grunted irritated.

"We may discuss whatever you please, as soon as i find it in myself to care about the opinion of a mere butler."
And one again, silence fell upon the three men.

"Now, if I may," Henry said repeating like a mockingbird his servant's words "I shall go to my quarters." Jekyll affirmed, taking off his cloak and throwing it carelessly in Danvers' direction. "I'm not going to need both of you, so you may as well go. That will be all." He continued, then he walked toward his chambers, and shut the door of his room.

Jasper sighed. "Well, I guess I'm going to sleep then..." and with those words, he placed a hand on his companion's shoulder, but Danvers stepped away.
" 'You may as well go.' " Harris said mockingly. "oh I'll gladly do so, and for good this time!" The servant shouted, as he threw the dark cloak on the ground.

Jasper grabbed his arm. "Danvers please-" But the old man freed himself from the boy's grip. "I'm not paid enough to keep up with that man's bullshit!"
"But..." continued Jasper "...how will you take care of you family if you don't have a job...? A-and where are you gonna go?"
Danvers went up to the door. "I'll find another job, somehow. I'll find a place where I'm treated with respect. I don't have to live just to serve some spoiled brat!" Then, he left the building, slamming the door loudly.

Jasper widened his eyes in shock in a first moment, then he looked down at the cloak. Danvers was probably right about most things.. about finding a new job and and a better place, but Jasper just couldn't agree with his last statement. He wasn't a 'spoiled brat'. No, Jekyll was many things but not a spoiled brat. He'd been through so much in his life, and he had just grown used to hurt others, before they could hurt them. But he wasn't a bad person... or at least, he didn't use to be a bad person.
Jasper picked up form the ground the dark cloak and put it on the coat rack, then, after glancing quickly in the direction of Jekyll's room, he left the entrance and walked silently to his room.

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