A new friend

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Your hands grabbed the large door knob and swung it open, your feet trembled out of the door and you fell on your knees due to the rush. The voices of the military police who climbed the stairs after you echoed in your ear, you pushed your body up and started running without enjoying the view of the upper world. You rushed through the city as fast as you could to get away from the police, you had no idea where to go just to get away was important. Your ears overheard the conversation from the citizens about the on going titan attack inside Shiganshina district the town south to wall Maria.

You were sure that Reiner was close to these parts since he wasn't inside Wall Sina and neither in Wall Rose where the hole on the surface was. Your eyes noticed the high stone wall that surrounded the city and you began running towards that destination, if you could get past the guards you could sneak inside Wall Rose and get closer to the battlefield in hope to find Reiner somewhere.

The wall was guarded well by the Garrison regiment and you were forced to stop since continuing without a plan was a bad idea and would probably get you caught. You sneak around the city and kept an eye on their territory but as you figured beforehand there was no loop hole where you could slip through. Soon a large troop of military police forces walked towards the wall and you back off into hiding, a small river was running underneath the wall that caught your attention, but how were you supposed to use it as an escape route when you never learned how to swim?

Suddenly the earth started shaking again as if something massive had crashed down on the land, you walked backwards to avoid any falling down pieces of the buildings to land on top of you. The river behind you closed in without your realization and suddenly your feet slipped on the grass causing you to fall backwards onto something hard. You gasped out in pain as your eyes opened and discovered where you had landed on, it was a transport ship that delivered supplies to the other towns. How lucky... you managed to escape the town without any effort just sheer dumb luck.

The long tunnel let your eyesight darken until the boat finally reached the end where the evening sun lightened up your face. You were inside Wall Rose now and climbed to the front part of the boat to take in the amazing view of the town. The buildings reminded you of the underground city but what was irreplaceable was the sunset of a clear sky that carried the shades of yellow and red, it was absolutely beautiful. The boat came closer to the next docking station where you noticed another ship that had a lot of people on it, the boat was clearly over filled.

Your small boat dock right next to it and you jumped off walking closer to the mass of people that were coming off the huge ship, tears and pain filled their eyes as they walked down from the entrance, children where crying awfully and some where just quiet with a stare of emptiness in their eyes. You soon heard that they were the citizens of wall Maria who had survived the titan attack. Your eyes where shaking as you began rushing through the crowd and searched for someone you hope was here, but it was useless he wasn't under the citizens, tears began dwelling up your eyes and you prayed to god that he was save.

You mixed yourself under the crowd that had stranded in the city and sit down at a street corner pulling your knees up to your body, you buried your head in your arms to not let anyone see your face, tears streamed down your eyes silently. It did not take long until a noisy voice of an old man disturbed your crying and caused your eyes to peak through your arms.

"Watch where you walk brat!" he yelled at a small boy with blond hair that lied on the dirty ground, the old man walked away and you looked at the boy who ruffed himself up. You slowly stood up from your spot and picked up the small bag with bred he carried before he tripped and walked over to him kneeling next to him

"You dropped this" you said in a soft tone and handed him the bred, his eyes looked into yours and you noticed how scared he looked.

"T-Thank you" his voice was shaky but very friendly, you nodded and stood up walking back to your spot where you sit down and covered your face again. The boy watched you for a moment and saw how bruised your feet looked, the clothes on your body were ripped and dirty, he stood up and walked over to you, his hand broke the bread in half and handed you a piece

"Here, you seem to need it just as much as I do" your head raised from your arms and you looked at him holding out the piece of bred, you hesitated for a moment until you took it

"Thank you, that's very kind of you" he gave you a small faded smile and took a seat next to you while he started eating his share

"Are you from this town?" he asked carefully building up a subject to talk about, you shook your head in response

"No, I'm not from here" silence filled the air between you, after some time you looked at him and asked curious

"Are you from here?" he shook his head

"No" both of you took another bite of the bread until you continued to talk

"You came from there didn't you?" his eyes turned really sad as he began nodding

"Yes..." you felt sorry for him, his situation was much worse than yours, he probably lost everything he owned and loved in compare to you who never had anything to begin with.

"I am sorry... I don't know what the right words to say are" he shook his head

"It's not your fault, no one ever thought that this would happen but now there is nothing we can do about it anymore, the wall protected us for 845 years until today... it did an excellent job" You looked down with painful eyes what he noticed

"Where are you from? If it's not from here? Don't tell me you're from wall Sina?" you smiled at him weakly and rested your head on top of your knees

"Have you ever heard of city that exists underneath the earth?" his eyes looked at you a little confused

"To be honest, I haven't" you closed your eyes

"I thought so, it's not a place that is popular" he seemed interested in your words

"Don't tell me you are from there?" his eyes looked at yours widely

"What if I do? Would you believe me?" he looked into your eyes for a moment and nodded

"I believe you, there are many things in this world that I don't know about so, I believe when you say you come from the underground city" you tried to hide the small smile that formed on your lips

"Thank you, it surely makes me happy" both of you stayed silent again until the boy stood up and stepped in front of you

"If you have no place to go then come with me, I introduce you to my friends that escaped with me from Shiganshina district, I am sure they would be glad to meet you" his words echoed in your ears and made you happy, he held out his hand to help you stand up

"My name is Armin" his eyes were serious and it left an impression on you that's why you ended up taking his hand and let him help you up

"I am (first name) and I would be more than glad to go with you"

The world the girl saw - Reiner Braun x Reader (Attack on Titan)Where stories live. Discover now