"As you wish, Father." Karai answered.

"Yay! Girls night out!" Sonata cheered, while Adagio and Aria sighed.

Later that night out in the city, the Dazzlings and Karai dressed in her street clothes stopped in a fast food place, with Sonata and Karai having something to eat, while Adagio and Aria watched them.

"Sonata, why do you bother eating that?" Adagio asked in irritation, "We have our gems back now. Eating this other world food is pointless to us."

"Just because you don't like to try new things, doesn't mean I can't." Sonata retorted.

"Why even bother coming here?" Aria asked, "I'm bored with all this fast food."

Karai spoke, "If you need energy, then you need to go to a place with a lot of people. And look around you." she motioned to all the customers seated and enjoying their food.

Adagio spoke, "Karai's right, this will have to do. Come on, let's put on a show," she got up followed by Aria. The two saw Sonata still stuffing herself, "Sonata." Adagio began firmly.

"What? I'm eating." she answered.

"Sonata!" Adagio and Aria snapped.

Sonata seeing she was defeated sighed, before getting up. Karai watched as the three began to vocalize again grabbing everyone's attention. The three sang once again, as Karai sat back not wanting to get caught in the crossfire between them and everyone else.As the Dazzlings sang, the customers began arguing with each other which soon escalated into an all out riot with food flying all around, and some of the workers taking cover and trying to get to the nearest phone to call the cops.

The Dazzlings assimilated everyone's negative energy and saw their work was done. They quickly bolted with Karai before the police could show.

Meanwhile at April's place, April was hosting a slumber party inviting Twilight and the rest of the Rainbooms for some fun. The girls were currently eating pizza, while watching some TV.

"This sleepover idea, was great idea, April." Pinkie said, while eating a slice.

"Thanks, Pinkie Pie. I'm just glad you all decided to come. This is my first time hosting a slumber party after all." April replied.

"Well, so far you're doing an awesome job." Rainbow admitted.

"Yeah, this is what it's all about." Applejack said, while kicking back.

Suddenly the show they were watching suddenly switched to the news, "We interrupt this program to bring you the latest news."

Appearing on the scene of the fast food place was a news reporter, "About several minutes ago, this establishment of fast food delight was the sight of an all out food fight riot that happened unprovoked. No one knows the cause of the outburst, but everyone accounted for at the scene is being questioned."

"How does a riot break out with nothing to provoke it?" April asked.

"Maybe someone just thought it'd be fun and raised a little ruckus." Pinkie suggested.

Several of the girls looked at her with a deadpan expression. Sunset spoke up, "This is still very odd. You heard what he said. No one there knows what it was that caused it. You'd think someone would've remembered."

Twilight gasped, "Wait a minute. Girls, I think I know what's going on."

"What is it, darling?" Rarity inquired.

"I have this feeling it's the Dazzlings behind all this."

"The Dazzlings?!" they gasped.

"How's that possible?" Fluttershy asked.

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