Grell x Male!Reaper!Reader (Part 12)

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Demonxlover: It's been a while since the last chapter, but now it's time to see what'll happen next~!

Grell looked down into his hands. "That explains why William was so nice to me in the dream... But it can't be true, (Y/N) can't be just a dream.. Could he?"
Grell couldn't stop thinking about you. He didn't want to believe that you might just have been a dream.

He got out of bed and got dressed. He brushed his long crimson hair and put on his red glasses. Once he was ready he left his room and went to see William.

They both soon left to London to collect the souls on the To-Die-List.

They worked hard, at least William did anyway.
Grell had his mind somewhere else, he couldn't get his mind off of you. William noticed. "Sutcliff, it was just a dream. You need to let it go." He said monotoned and adjusted his glasses.
Grell didn't reply. He didn't want to believe it - it felt too real to be a dream. The dark haired reaper sighed and they collected the last couple of souls for the evening.

"Now that's over with, let's head back." William said to the red headed reaper. Grell shook his head. "You go, I'll be right there."

William didn't question him and headed back to the dispatch department.

Grell went up to a rooftop and sat down. He looked over London and watched the sun set. "Will is wrong, I know he is..." Grell said to himself. "I'll find you, (Y/N), just you wait~"

_______________________________Demonxlover: What do you think~? Will Grell and you ever reunite~? Find out in the next chapter~!

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Demonxlover: What do you think~? Will Grell and you ever reunite~? Find out in the next chapter~!

Grell x Male!Reaper!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now