Chapter 2 The Safe Spot

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"Ok, so here we have all of your tools that you will need. I snuck a gun in there for protection and I'll give you a bugger one for hunting. Your food is in here that we could give you and clothes and other stuff are in here" He gave me the three bags and I put each one over my shoulder.

"We're leaving mom! "

"Ok, be safe you two! "

"We will mom! " Then we walked out the front door. He went to the back and gave me a gun before putting a while bunch of Amo in my bag with the tools and other gun. Then he grabbed himself a gun and we ran into the forest. They don't even know about this place. It was here when we moved here. We kept it nice and clean. It has two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a tiny dinning room. It is very small. It has a bed in one room and in the other there are lots of cupboards and a hammock for a bed. I wouldn't recommend the bed. It also needa to be cleaned. You can stay there until we can take you home. Don't go to far. And if you see any flashing light go back the other way. Also always leave a mark so you know how to get back. And the first time you kill a deer only take a small chunk of meet, that goes for your first big kill in general. Howl and then climb a tree. There are wolves and don't be afraid because if you respect them then they will respect you"

"So I'm giving them a piece offering? "

"Yah, we learned that the hard way. We killed five deer to last us flew a while and they surrounded our house until we gave them half of the meet. When your hunting only take what you need. No more than that. Howl and leave the rest for them. It is how we keep the peace"

"Ok, I'll remember that" After about an hour of walking we finally came up on a little hut. It looked very new on the outside but he said they kept bit that way and it needed to be cleaned on the inside.

"Does the plumbing and electricity work? "

"Yah, but you don't have hot water and it is limited water. So I suggest not taking more than ten minute showers and only once a week. You'll need water for cooking so..... Yah"

"Well let's go inside. I really want to see the inside" We walked inside and I was shocked at the difference. It was all dusty and there were cobwebs and all that lovely stuff all over.

"Yah uh..... We haven't been here in a long time" He scratched the back of his neck and grabbed a broom. He handed it to me and he grabbed a duster.

"Let's get to work" He said before dusting off the table and lights. I started to sweep the floor. After three or four long hours of work it was clean. I sat down in a chair and wiped my forehead.

"That was a lot of cleaning"

"Yah, it was. I want to give you something. Is that ok? "

"I guess so" Then he gave me an older phone. It was an iPhone. I took it and I was awed at the fact that he would give it to me.

"This is my old phone. I want you yo have it. It will give you something to do. There is data on it so you can text me when you want to and there are some apps still on there. It was a hand me down from my mom. My phone number is in there already"

"Thanks so much"

"No problem"

"Your really nice you know that Dwayne? "

"Nah, it's how we treat people"

"But you didn't hold a gun up to me. Your very very nice"

"Well that's how I am" I grabbed my bags and he walled with me to the room with the hammock. I set my stuff down and sat on a bench that was in there. He sat next to me and very slowly inched closer. I pretended not to notice as I stared at all of the paintings and antiques in the class cupboards. Once he was right next to me he put his hand on mine. I looked down at it and I could tell he was nervous at what I would do. He wrapped his fingers around my hand and my heartbeat sped up a bit. I did the same with my fingers and I felt him relax a bit. I really got to know him. He is an amazing and sweet person.

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