Chapter 1 Eyes

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It was dark and I was all alone I couldn't see anything, not even my hands in front of me. I felt all weird. I also felt creeped out.

"Where am I? " I asked.

"No where you need to know," a voice said.

"Just tell me where I am," I said angrily.

"You don't deserve to know because of what you did," said the voice.

"Just stop messing with me and tell me who you are and where I am, " I said. I started to get really iritated. And what did the person mean by because of what you did. What did I do? Then I started to get a little dizzy. Then all of a sudden I felt aching pain in my head. I woke up. I was in a hospital room. There was no one there with me. I hurt a lot. I had a bunch of cords hooked up to me and an IV in my arm. It was pumping some type of blood into my body. I started to rip them off. I went to push the door open and it wouldn't open so I went back and ran into the door. It went FLYING. I must of had an adrenaline rush because I'm not that strong. Then red lights started flashing and sirens went off. Then it went dark. It took only a couple seconds then my eyes adjusted. I ran where the lights went. Then I saw an exit sign. 

"Crap the door is locked, " I said. Then I rammed into the door again. Thankfully it busted open. It was so bright out I could barely see. I saw a glimps of a forest then I ran toward it. I herd people yelling. They were saying "Get her" and " We can't let the patient escape".

"There she is. Get her! " the men said. 

I ran and never looked back. I ended up in the middle of a forest. It was spooky. I tried to climb up a tree but I felt week and sore from all the wires that were hooked up to me. I grabbed a bunch of sticks, leaves, and vines and made myself an elevated spot to sleep. I learned how to do that when I was about 10 years old. I looked around and I could see a small glimpse of the beach. What did they do to me? What blood were they putting in my system? I layed down and tried to get some sleep. And somehow I actually fell asleep.


Running. I was running. Not from or to anything. I was running because I felt free. The only thing that was different was that I had paws and pitch black fur. I ran through the trees because I needed freedom. I looked behind me and a truck chasing me. I ran and led them away from my pack. My pack? This isn't my dream is it? I just ran and ran and made sure my pack was safe. I needed to be the alpha I am and take care of them. My child will fill in for me. That's what I've been training her for. It is up to them to decide what to do. I pushed myself further and further but it was no use for the truck. I herd the click before a dart shot into my leg. I fell down and whimpered from the pain. I tried to get up but my body felt tired.

"We got ourselves an alpha guys. This one will suit Julia. It will also help her remember the man she ran from. It will help he remember her brother" I cocked my head at them. What do they mean.

"It's a shame it is going to die" At least my pack is safe. That's all that matters to me. My family and pack will live on for me. I saw my son and I growled at him he then hid back in the woods. I could tell he was sad. They took me to this building in the rocks. It had all these machines that made noise. It scared me but I didn't show it. Then they stuck this needle in me and took my blood. They took so much and I felt light headed and dizzy. I saw them take the bags over to a young human girl. They slowly started to give her my blood and took some of hers. They took as much out of her as they did me. All is could do is lay there and watch as they took my blood and put it inside of her. They just kept taking my blood but they stopped taking her blood after two more bags. They just gave her my blood. Slowly I died by the hands of humans.

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