All Together

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This is a day we all have been looking forward to.  Except for one thing.  One of us is moving and no one has seen or heard from him in almost six weeks now.  The one that is missing is Michael.  We have been to all the places he goes to and talked to all of his friends.  We went to the Police and they have no clue.  Now we are all worried.

We have searched his house and talked to his family.  It seems like he has vanished into thin air.  What do we do next?  I hate to think of all that could have happened to him.  He has not called or sent a text.  This is not like him at all but we have to keep faith that he will be fine.  He is the one who keeps us all together.  We lean on him and trust him.  He is always there for us.  

Two weeks later we are back at his place going through everything.  When we find a paper he was writing and some books.  There is a lot of stuff about vampires,  werewolves, and the undead.  Dangerous people and a trip that he had to take.  Then something about a ship that he might be sailing on.  We are all wondering why he never told any of us about this stuff.  We had always told each other what was going on with us.  

He could be in a prison,  cell,  or even a castle or worse and we would not know about it.  Plus what kind of dangerous men was he talking about?  Where was the ship sailing to and why would he be on it?

  Plus what kind of dangerous men was he talking about?  Where was the ship sailing to and why would he be on it?

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