Start from the beginning


The digital alarm clock started to beep continuously, as soon as the red numbers on its screen flashed 6:00. The only sound echoed throughout the male's spacious room came from the rectangular digital box, and the rain outside that started to pour. Behind the thin curtains were small droplets of water trickling down the closed window panes of his room.

It took him a few seconds to regain consciousness, and with that, he reached his hand out for the alarm clock, with a deep, exhausted groan escaping his lips, and pressed the button to snooze the alarm. Akise sat upright, slowly arching his back to relieve the tension in his muscles, hearing an unsettling crack at that. He scratched his neck, a loud yawn escaping his lips as it took him some time to fully become awake, his eyelids opening slowly, and leisurely, until his eyesight became clear.

Tired, rose-red irises came into view, as the young latter Aru stared at the mess he made before him. He could make out the words printed in a piece of paper in front of him.

Subject: Amano Yukiteru
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Location: Sakurami City, Amano Residence
Case: #001

A photograph of a young male was printed on the corner of the paper, with long, jet-black locks of thick hair, large, prussian-blue eyes becoming bright behind his youthful expression. Despite the juvenescent demeanor that was produced by the boy in the photograph, Akise knew that this Amano Yukiteru guy is an interesting person, and he wanted to know a lot about him. To meet him in person, to talk to him..

To love him..

The white-haired teen shook his head and closed his eyes. Having a feeling that he is becoming delusional, he exasperatedly ran a hand through his messy locks, and stared at the paper in front of him.

Amano Yukiteru-kun.. Akise thought to himself, deeply, his numb fingers tracing the photograph's surface lovingly, as if he is yearning for a lover who was long gone from his embrace.

"I'm going to see you soon.." He whispered, his voice came out deep and husky, due to the fact that his throat was dry since the moment he had woke up. His eyes bore onto the windows, the gloomy skies of the heavens reflecting on his deep, rose-red irises.

Even if he wanted to stay at home for a while, the time eventually came when Akise needed to prepare himself for school. He is striving to become the world's greatest detective, then again, a fifteen-year-old like him should still be focusing on his studies. He didn't care about studies. He cares about Amano Yukiteru---

". . . . ."

He didn't notice, that in the middle of his reverie he was cleaning up the scattered pieces of papers on his desk, his hands automatically sorting which papers are needed to return to the police station. At the corner of his eye, a certain file caught his attention, that even piqued his interest.

Akise glanced at the fallen piece of paper on the floor, the contents of it were upside down. The latter bent down and retrieved the piece of paper, its edges already crumpled and dirty, but that alone didn't catch Akise's attention. It was the photograph of a certain person, located at the corner of the paper; his eyes scanned the large letters in front of him printed in italics.

Subject: Hitomi [Y/N]
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Location: Sakurami City, Hitomi Residence
Special Case: # ???
The only daughter of Hitomi Kaīru & Sato Akari
Successor of the Hitomi Manufacturing Company

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