Getting Started

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"Thaethae!!!!!" Im at the Mall outside waiting for my friends. I've been waiting for almost 1 hour and they're not yet here. Like wtf, I look like an idiot standing. My head turned as someone shouted my name.

" Oh god! Finally. Wtf did you do to go here this late huh?! I LOOKED LIKE AN IDIOT WAITING FOR YOU! aish. BUT JUST WTF BELLE WHY ARE YOU ALONE? WHERE ARE THE OTHERS? Dont tell me--" Gosh finally one of my friends, Belle, is already here. But where are the others.

"Yeah. They're still at their homes. Aish. How many times do I tell you that dont believe them when they say they're already OTW or they're near. Like wtf. OTW = TAKING A BATH." Belle said ephasizing the words. I knew my best friends very well but nah. I got used coming on time. Being late is not my style.

"Yeah yeah. Still. They must learn tho. I mean, YOU must learn to follow what you arranged😩." I said kinda teasing her and WAHAHAHAH I totally got her.

"Well, lets go to Starbucks and wait for them there. Im hungry you know, I woke up early for you. " She said as she grabbed my wrist.

"Early?! Wtf. You're TOO EARLY man. " I said emphasizing the too early. HAHAHAH

At the Starbucks

"WAHHHHH!!!! OMO!!!" I shouted as I read the notification from the Facebook page of Seventeen.

" Yah. Shout you mouth. You're embarrassing me." She said as she look on the people inside SB. Oh god. They're staring at me.

"Mianhae. But!! SVT HAS A FANMEETING HERE IN PHILIPPINES!" I screamed out of excitement.

" O m g. Seriously?!! OH SHIT. W E   M U S T    S A V E  M O N E Y !!!!!" She also shouted since she's a fan like meeee.

" yah you're also embarrassing me." I teased her as I look around.

"Nah. So are you going?" She asked

" Hmm. If my mom will allow me." I said kinda sad.

*******phone ringing

(Ey is calling)

" OH GOD. WHERE ARE YOU?!"  I shouted since I got so bored waiting for them.

" NAH TURN AROUND. " She said and I turned.


" wtf. Lets just go outta here. Wanna punch all of you." I  said as I stood up and walked with Belle.

Now, at home.

Its already 6 pm and I just got home from the mall having fun with my crazy friends. Im kinda depressed since I dont know how to ask permission to my mom. Im really nervous. I have money to buy the ticket but I need their permission tho.

*** knock knock

"Who's there?" I asked as someone knocked on my door.

"Its me. " oh kts my mom's voice.

"Oh why?" I asked as i open the door

"Are you okay? When you got home you  looked pale. " she said checking of i have a fever

" Im fine Ma. Just want to sleep" I said even though. I have many things in mind. Especially, the concert. I really want to see them.

"Then, go inside now. And take a rest. " She said and I went to my room.

The next Month

" Oh shit. Its already May! My birthmonth WAHAHHAHHA" I cheerfully said as I walked down to my family

"Ate when is your birthday?" My younger brother, Mark, said.

" May 13 baby boy." I said while pinching his chubby cheeks like mine. Everyone who sees us say that we look like twins. I mean, we really look a like.

"Ma whats your gift to me ? 😂😂😂" I said teasing her

"Nothing. You already have everything" she said

"Yeah. Everything except your permission." I said as I sat beside my brother.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR EUNTHAE!" My family shouted in unison😭 Wahhh. It touches my heart.

"Wtf. When did you do this preparations?" I asked. I never saw them doing these things.

" secret." My brother said

"Ate, my gift for you." My brother said as he give a box. I opened it and its a dress. Wahhhh.😍 Last week I kept on asking him what gift will he give me and he said he'll buy me a dress😂 He really bought one.

"Thank you baby boy!" I said and kissed him.

"Here's mine." My dad said. I opened it and its a necklace with a cross pendant. He really remembered it. When we passed a jewelry stall in SM I pointed this out. I told him that its my type. He really bought it for me😍😭

" wahhhh. 😭 Thank you very much Pa! Im gonna treasure this." I said and  hugged him.

"SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST!!! Here's my gift baby." My mom said and opened the box. OMG. ITS!! IT IS THE ----

"A FANMEET TICKET AT SVT!!! HOW DID YOU KNOW I WANT THIS?😭😭😭😭 THANK YOU VERY MUCH MA!!!!" I said with a " 😱😱😱😲😲😲😲" reaction.

"I saw your post on FB. " mom said. Ohh wait so she saw what i posted. Ahhhh the " I want to attend their fanmeet." Thingy that i posted😂

"THANK YOU MA!!!😭" I said and kissed her cheek.

Well, its the best birthday I ever had!!

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