Twenty-Five: The Day of the Court Case

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Mila put on a pencil skirt with a white blouse and threw on a blazer and rolled the sleeves up. She tied her up into a low chignon and then put her nude lipstick on, she looked in the mirror and noticed Luka looking at her who sat on her bed. 

"Mummy, why are you doing this?" he asked, Mila looked at him and tried to think of a time before this, before a custody case. She shook her head and then put her diamond studs into her earlobes "it's just me and daddy trying to sort things out". 

"What sort of things" he asked, Mila looked at him and then sat on the bed and said "when mummy first met daddy, they were in love just like the Disney movies you see" she explained trying to keep things simple "when mummy found out she had you in her belly she was very scared and nervous and didn't tell daddy". 

"Why didn't you tell daddy?" asked Luka, Mila wanted to tell him about his father before fatherhood and before Mila had moved back to LA. 

"I was scared" she said "which is why we moved to Hawaii". 

"But how did Daddy find out?"

"Mummy met Carrie" Mila said. 

"Oh"Luka said. During the custody trial she had let Brandon have Luka for weekends when Brandon wasn't working, Luka would always come home with a smile on his face. Other times Brandon would be out in public and the paparazzi would snap a few photos of them together, yet Luka always came home with a smile on his face.  

Then Mila realized, this custody case wasn't worth it. 

Brandon was wearing his suit as he waited in the lounge for Carrie, she walked out not even wearing clothes that was suitable for court. Instead she was wearing a black cocktail dress under a large blazer, she had baggy eyes and looked at him saying "We're not together anymore after this". 

"I know"Brandon said "I've known for a long time". She nodded and said "We better get going to the court house". 

"Trial has been called off" the judge said, Brandon then stood up and asked "why?" he noticed that Mila wasn't sitting where she was supposed to be sitting and instead she wasn't there and only her lawyer who stood up and said "My honor my client has decided not to call a hearing because she has finally agreed with Mr Brandon Larracuente's proposal for the custody of Luka Jordans". 

"What's the proposal?"

"Two weeks with Brandon and one week with Mila". 

Brandon knew where to find Mila, and Mila knew where to find Brandon. 

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