Three: A Compromise ;)

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Brandon was getting changed, he threw on a button up shirt with jeans and walked out into the main office, sitting behind the Mac was Mila, she was now wearing her photographer clothes and her hair in a messy bun. Her eyes darted at him and back at the screen of the computer, trying to avoid those beautiful eyes that belonged to Brandon. He then stood behind her and asked "can I look?"'

She nodded her head, yet shaking from his voice, it was like silk, smooth and delicate yet hard to get out of her head. Brandon sat next to her and looked at the computer, he nodded his head and said "you're a really good photographer". 

"Thanks" she said "your really good looking" then she stopped blushing "I mean, like, as a model you are really good at what you do". 

He laughed at her shyness "it's alright..." she nodded, then he asked her "what is your name?"

"Mila" she said. 

"How old are you?" he asked, she told him that she was had just turned twenty. 

"Wow" he said "you look so much younger". 

"I hope not too much" she laughed looking into his eyes, the actor smiled and asked her "do you like modelling?" he watched her shake her head and say "no, I'm a better photographer" the computer screen was filled with her and Brandon in an awkward pose. 

"I can't take any nice photos besides mirror selfies" he said. 

"I'm okay" she states, then she starts emailing the photos over to the CK label manager, Brandon then looked at her and asked her "don't you work with Kendall Jenner for her Instagram modelling?" 

She nodded "yeah". 

"And Alexis Ren?" he asked remembering how the captions mentioned a Mila. 

"Yeah, I've been photographing models and actors since I was sixteen". 

"What about school?"

"Not really" she said "I dropped out at sixteen, my blog, Cameras' Paradise was getting bigger". 

"What?" he asked "YOUR THE MILA JORDANS?" 

Mila nodded "yes". 

"Oh my god! I love your blog, the photos are so amazing, the one with Miranda Kerr is so good where she's with her son on that beach. Beyonce and Jay-Z in New York looking all Roaring 20s!"

"Thanks" she said, she was used to compliments from her blog, but for some reason, when it was coming from Brandon it felt special. 

"But you're really pretty, so why aren't you a model" he asked, he was indeed surprised. Mila was gorgeous, her head was soft and her body was amazing and flawless. 

"I'm shy" she said facing him, then he looked at his phone and started fiddling with it "what's your number?"

"Um, why?"

"I have an idea" he said "how about this, you teach me how to be a good photographer, and I'll teach you how to be a model". 

"Here's my number" she said, Brandon knew she was agreeing to this. He typed her number onto his phone, and she typed his name and details, she smiled and said "so, when do you want to start?"

"Tomorrow night" he said "meet me at my place". 

When Mila got back to her studio apartment, she closed the door and landed head first onto the couch. She was tired and after a long day all she wanted to do was sleep and binge on 13 Reasons Why, even though it was the 3rd time she had decided to re-watch the series. But now, she was re-thinking it. Brandon was on 13 Reasons Why, she then flicked around on Netflix on the television and watched some Riverdale. She was then wearing only her bra and shorts on the couch. Her brother, Zeke walked in with groceries and said "hey Mila, how was work?"

"Amazing" was the only word she could say.



Hey readers, sorry if I'm late to post, but please vote, comment and follow me for more. I will try and post on a regular basis!!

Hugs and kisses, 



Only Love Can Hurt Like This ||brandon larracuenteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя