Chapter Nine

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Zane sat on the floor of his room with his back against the door. He looked around at everyone in the room. The second all of those wolves in the forest howled with Travis, Aaron had told everyone to go upstairs and stay inside one of the rooms until he got up there. Now, everyone but Aaron and Travis sat upstairs in the room Zane shared with Travis.
"I hope they're alright..." Aphmau said softly from where she sat on the bed. Katelyn had an arm comfortingly around her shoulders.
"They'll be fine. Travis is a werewolf, and Aaron is.. well, Aaron," Katelyn said.
Zane stayed silent as they all whispered to each other, trying to guess what was happening. He was too shocked to join in on their theories. If Travis didn't come back with Aaron...
Zane forced the thought out of his head. Fear clouded his thoughts as the cabin seemed to shake... After a moment, he realized it was only himself shuddering. He brought his knees up to his chest and buried his face in his arms.
Please be safe.. Please be safe.. Please be safe...
"Baby brother..." He heard Garroth say in a hushed voice. "Are you okay?"
Zane didn't respond. He knew he was still shuddering but he did nothing to stop it.
"Zane.." Garroth sat down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, baby brother. They'll come back. Okay?"
Zane opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out besides a quiet sob.
He felt Aphmau crouch beside him, and from the sound of it, she was sniffling, too.
"Zane.. they'll.. be.. back." Aphmau whispered through her tears. She reached over and lifted up Zane's head, looking into his tear-filled eyes. "Listen. They will come back."
A long howl split the silence. Aphmau and Zane froze, while everyone else either held their breath or snuck over to the window to look outside.
Zane heard fragments of a hushed conversation between Katelyn and Kawaii~chan.
"Terrible.. both.. someone they love... wolves..."
"Zane.. Travis.. Aphmau.. Aaron.."
"Oh... hope.. okay..."
Zane covered his ears. He didn't want to hear their conversation.
There was a loud, though muffled cough from the other side of the door. Aphmau sprang to her feet, and Zane scooted away from the door. Aphmau hesitated with her hand hovering over the doorknob.
"Who's there..?" She called quietly.
"Aaron-" More coughing.
Aphmau opened the door a crack, then let out a strange sort of squeaking noise and threw the door open. She jumped through the door, but stopped.
"Aaron! You're hurt!" She gasped. "Come inside!"
"No.. Travis is.. outside..."
Zane's heart seemed to stop beating for a few seconds.
"Aaron-" Aphmau started.
"We have... to help.. him.."
"Lucinda!" Aphmau cried. "Can't you heal him?!"
     "M-my potions are at home!" Lucinda breathed, rushing to the door.
     Garroth stood up and lifted Zane up against his will.
     Everything seemed to pass by in a blur as Zane was led out of their room and down the stairs, then outside. Aaron led the way through the woods along the path, pausing to take short breaths that sounded more like sniffs.
     They ran out into the clearing with the pond in time to see three wolves lunging at someone with white hair standing near the water.
     "TRAVIS!!" Zane shrieked.
     Two of the wolves turned towards Zane, while the other kept jumping at Travis. Aaron ran over, threw the attacking wolf into the water, and turned to the other two. Zane stopped breathing when he saw a long gash from the base of Travis's neck down to just below his chest, along with several others smaller cuts on his stomach and arms.
     He started running forward to help, only to be held back by Garroth and Aphmau.
     "LET ME HELP!" Zane yelled, using all of his strength to try to get himself away from them.
     "NO!" Aphmau tugged him backwards. "It isn't safe!"
      Zane stopped struggling for a moment as Travis jumped at a wolf. After a flash of light, a dark gray wolf with green tinted fur attacked a smaller silver wolf.
     Zane turned and looked at Garroth and Aphmau. Garroth had his eyes shut, and Aphmau's grip was loosening on Zane's arm.
     The wolves were losing against Travis and Aaron, but neither of them looked too good.
     In the blur of the fight, Zane saw a human Travis fall to the ground as the wolves retreated, and then he blacked out.

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