An Apology to Daisy

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When I was younger I brought a calf from the local market and named her Daisy (very original) I think it was the way she innocently slept among the other week calves in the yard that drew me to her, she had soft tan fur and eyes big enough stop traffic, she definitely stopped me. I payed the lady running the market fourty dollars and was on my way, as soon as I got her home I was engufed in her sweet nature and knew we were going to be friends.

Time with my four legged companion passed by and I learnt a lot about Daisy, she played, she got scared, she learned, and she loved.  She would run around spiritedly under the sprinkler when it was hot, and emerge in a spa of warm straw when the weather was cold. She was a vibrant, beautiful, bundle of joy, youth and life.

My time with her opened my eyes not only to the superior level of emotions she possessed, but also to the blantly obvious similarities shared between human and animal. There are two things that we as humans have in common with wildlife whether it be be birds, bees, cows, duck or geese, the similarities are obvious. Number one: the desire to live and exist on this earth, and Number two:  the undeniable need to avoid pain. 

It wasn't until recently that I learnt that a lot of what I assumed I knew was a lie,  see I have permenantly thought that milk came from happy cows that frolicked in the sunshine and danced in the rain, and that bacon came from pigs that lived in open paddocks with mud holes, that turned the earth over with their snout and got belly scratches and treats from the farmers. I could not have been more mistaken. 

I dont know where this lie was concieved but it was birthed in the presence of us all, so we cradle and hold onto it, not comprehending precisely what it is we are cradling and holding onto. The slaughter of innocent beings is something accepted, embraced, and grossly ignored in our culture.

An earthling refers to those whom inhabit the earth, we are subjecting our fellow friends to holocaust like situiations, we collect up a species or kind and either send them to work or we destroy them, confine them to small cages, tear mother from offspring, take advantage and exploit them in the most inhumane way possible, we condone this behaviour every time we buy meat, we drink milk, slice cheese, we partake in the slaughter because we filter the idea, and we continue to see the world through the same lens I once did, the way we wish it was. 

I sympathize for the creatures that are forced to live in our presence, they have done nothing to us and we are slaughtering them, its quite obvious that we as a species are ignorant, cruel and awfully conceded, I am ashamed to be human. 

The mass minded reality that certain animals are put on this planet only to serve us is fallacious and immoral, they have feelings, family, pain receptors, and despite how we are exterminating them, they know how to forgive, they have compassion, one of the many things we lack. 

Now Daisy, she was one of the lucky ones, I either saved her from a life of slave labour, or I saved her from death. She lived out her days being one of those happy cows that frolicked in the sunshine and danced in the rain. But if I could speak to her I would still tell her I'm sorry, I'm sorry that we as a species feel it necessary to hurt her and her kind, that we subject fellow earthlings to conditions we wouldnt survive in,  that we take away the will to live, and give them nothing to live for, and making pain inevitable, and I'm so sorry that I can't save all your friends.  I would also thank her for being my friend and not using what my species does against me. She understood the way  life should be, she was a role model for the way the earth should be, equal. 

Behind closed doors blood is shed, throats are cut, lives are destroyed. If slaughter houses and factrory farms had glass walls and the filter between what whe want to be happening and what really is was removed our opinion would change, and we would not condone what we have been condoning for too long.

The stress levels of animals subjected to our wicked ways would be unchartable, they are forced to exist in areas that do not allow the enjoyment of the sunshine, the thrill of rain, or the warm embrace I know us humans have. Farm animals are being deprived of the things they deserve solely for our fufillment. Everyday we wakle up and except the fact that murder is okay if the one being murdered is not human. Billions upon billions of animals are destroyed every year, and the ones that arent are weakening. 

So enjoy your steak and glass of milk, enjoy your lifeless Daisy. 

Let me know what you think guys xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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