Chapter Four:

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In The Closet of Amy Farrah Fowler:

Disclaimers: You all know that I don't own my favorite show…if only…

Chapter Four:

(Sheldon's Point of View)

I didn't get much sleep just like I predicted and the hypothesis is that I still can't stop thinking about Amy, I didn't really pay attention to what Mr. Seibert was saying because my eyes were practically closing by themselves.

After his presentation was over, I decided to send her a text message. Maybe that would put things at ease.

(Sheldon's Point of View End)

Amy was lost in thought, doing her research when her phone buzzed in her lab coat. She had been thinking about her the way she was, what does people really think of me?

The thought made her frown as she looked at her phone, her frown deepen since it was a message from Sheldon.

Sheldon: Amy, I wanted to say that I'm sorry for anything that I caused to make you go home sad.

Amy looked away from the message, it wasn't that she was mad at Sheldon, she was just sad that what if he was embarrassed to be seen by her. The comments from those rude men began playing in her head, but right away she shrugs it and replies quickly.

Amy: I was never mad at you, I was upset about something.

When Sheldon finished reading the text message, the more he was curious. He really wanted to know why Amy had been so upset last night, if it wasn't him…then why was she was really upset?

Sheldon replied back and waited patiently for Amy to reply quickly.

Amy had been waiting for her phone to vibrate, when it did, she got it and read the message.

Sheldon: Amy, could we talk about this when lunch begins or you want to come to my apartment and we discussed further more things?

Amy didn't really want to talk about this with her boyfriend; she knew that he wouldn't care. He had told her himself that it bored him when people told him about their life-stories.

Yet again, she knew Sheldon did seek for closure, either way she had helped him to get over it, she knew he really wanted closure.

She replied, she read what she wrote once and hesitated to send it, Sheldon, I'm not a sucker. So, you're just going to have to deal with closure.

Amy pressed the send 'button' and with that, she went back to work.

Sheldon had grown impatient that he couldn't concentrate on his equation board, but when he heard his phone make a sound, he pounce on his phone as if he were a preying cat.

What he read made him really confused and disappointed.

Amy: How about we just never talk about it, I would like it to be that way. (:



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