Chapter One

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"Darcey, how do you feel about this dress?"

my maid walked into my bedroom from out of my closet with a velvet red dress with a sweetheart neckline, ball gown type. I smiled and walked up to her while holding the dress, and took it off of her hands to lay it down on my bed.
"I forgot all about this dress." I replied.

I reminded myself in my memories of the last time I wore this dress, which was whenever my father was being sworn into office back in the year of 2008.
The White House is not all about wearing the same dress more than once, especially at huge events, but I know my father would approve of this dress. Like he always says, "Wear what makes you feel confident, my dear."

My maid, Laura, interrupts my thoughts while I was staring down at the dress that was laying on my bed.
"Everyone wants to know when you and Andrew will be getting married, Darcey. It's been what, 3 years now?"
I looked over at the photo frame that sat on my night stand of Andrew and I, the picture was taken at my law school graduation, which was also the day he proposed to me. I was showing off my engagement ring that was on my finger, that laid on his chest.

"I'm not sure if it will be anytime soon, I just don't feel ready yet."
I said while looking down at my engagement ring, adjusting it.
I really don't feel ready yet. I have not even went and looked for a wedding dress yet, I am expected to in about two weeks. Even if that is not that far away, I still doubt that I will be ready to do it by then.
Don't get me wrong, I do love Andrew, he is my best friend, but I don't want to rush into my marriage with him just because the news press, White House, and practically the country want a huge wedding to be in awe over, just like William and Kate. I am sticking to my guns and waiting it out until I feel like it is right.

I fleed from my thoughts and finished getting ready for my father's state of the union address,
standing in front of Laura so she could tie the corset in my back of my dress.

"Let's get this over with." I muttered under my breath as Laura laughed at my comment.

I walk down the hallway with Andrew while important politicians stood on both sides of the hallway, smiling at me and shaking hands with Andrew. This was the norm for me, Andrew was also brought up this way. His father, Calvin, was the governor of Kentucky for over thirty years, and my father asked him to be his Secretary of State.
"Sweetheart, have you been looking at wedding dresses yet?" Andrew whispered into my ear while we stood in line waiting to go through the doors of the room.

"Not yet, I plan to in two weeks." I replied. He rolled his eyes at me and looked around at other people, trying to avoid looking at me. I sighed at him, and looked down at my red heels that I was wearing that showed off my French tip painted toenails. "Darc, you have been saying that you will go and look at wedding dresses for over two months now. Why do you keep putting it off? It worries me."

"Don't worry Andrew, I am just doing what is best for me. I want to do it right, I don't want to rush."

"Darcey, I don't think you realize that this isn't just about you anymore. It's about us. We are no longer two separate people with separate lives. We have to do what is also best for each other."

Andrew is on the side of the press, the White House, and the country when it comes to wanting a wedding, and that is as soon as possible.

"You have to remember that what is best for each other is not what the country wants." I replied, and I did it in the right time because Andrew had to wipe off the look he was giving me, we were being introduced into the room by the commentator, and being watched by hundreds of cameras.

"The Daughter of the president of the United States, Darcey Elizabeth Hadley along with the son of the Secretary of State, Andrew Brock Edwards."

We smile and wave at everyone as they applaud for us, and we take our steps to our designated table which was very close to the front of the room where the stage was located.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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