Chapter 3: ape alert

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About now Ben is walking around the city, earlier he overheard something about the arena. And decided to check it out, "Huh I wonder what's going fin over there?" He wondered, but unfortunately the entrances were blocked by spectators wanting in.

"Well there's more than one way to get a seat", the hero adventurer then used Astrodactyl's wings to fly up and check what's going on. Once he reached the top of the arena he saw a guy wearing a mask in the center of it holding a whip, and a boar like monster.

"I guess it's an animal training thing" he guessed before landing on the top of the structure. Unfortunately what Ben failed to take note of was the pigeon poop that was there. And he had stepped in it, "ewww" he groaned trying to shake off the bird excrement.

Then he fell right into the arena as he was trying to shake the crud off, landing right in the ring. "Hey are you okay?" The performer asked picking him up, "Yeah fine, just... oh boy" Ben then shoved the guy out of the way as the Boar nearly got both of them.

"Okay porker, lets see what you're made of" Ben taunted the creature, "try not to hurt it to much, the place needs it for the show" the performer warned holding his whip. The pig like monster charged again, Ben however had became Omni and swung an extremely tough rock hard fist at it.

And it flew back only not from the blow, Ben pushed it back with Gravattack's powers. "Ha ha, now how about this little piggy takes a ride I like to call the Zero Gs" the alien quipped.

He then grew a molten core in his mid section and was spinning the boat monster around in his orbit. The crowed seemed to cheer at Ben's power, "oh you like that folks? Well Gravity ain't the only thing I've got" he said before tossing the pig into the air.

And as it fell Omni shot a spider web into the air and caught it, and after swung it into a wooden box. The monster got back up and squealed in anger, glaring at the reptilian.

"Oh what's wrong the the little swine get his bacon burnt?" Ben mocked, the boar roared again and charged. Unfortunately for it Ben had used Heat Blast's Arms to create a ring of fire around himself. And after levitated in the air riding a flying flaming rock platform, "forget seeing stars, when I'm done you'll be seeing Meteorites" Omni quipped with Heat Blast's head and voice.

He then made his platform explode and rain the debris down on the pig as if they were meteorites. The flaming rock surrounded the creature keeping it in place. The crowd ended up cheering more, "And for the grand finale" Ben chanted turning his arms into Bloxx's.

He surrounded the boar with a block barricade and then sent a gas blast with Gutrot's powers. The monster fussed around inside the barrier with it stretching signifying it was trying to get out.

Eventually it stopped, Ben took away the Bloxx the show it was completely unconscious. "There, not a scratch on me, nor a scratch on it. Talk about a humane way to bring down the mighty beast" Ben joked.

The performer from earlier had approached Ben "nice job, it takes me a couple lashes to get the thing to stop" he said. "Got anything bigger?" The alien asked, "not sure any of the other creatures are as easily trainable as the boar. But... huh?" The animal trainer and Ben flinched to hear a loud roar.

"Help, one of the monsters escaped!!!" A man said running "forget one, a few escaped" another said with some sort of white ape like creature following close behind. "Is that an example of a monster that isn't easily trained?" Ben asked backing away a little.

Aliens in a DungeonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang