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Sad faces, silent tears falling down his Aunts plump cheeks. Concerned and saddened looks from his friends-- no, his brothers friends. Brother, brother, brother...

'Why did you have to leave me?'

Hiro felt a chill run up his spine and shivered ever so lightly, peering back over his shoulder at the now empty shared bedroom of his and Tadashi's. He wasn't exactly keen on being in there alone, but it was a better option than having the same damn question repeated to him every five mintues or so; 'are you okay, Hiro?'

No, he's not...

Hiro stood from his spot on the staircase, ascending to the top and stepping into the attic bedroom. He wish they had a door to this room, to better block out the low chatter of family and friends downstairs. He slowly moved his gaze from his messy side of the room, comic books and soda cans strewen here and there, to the more tidy side that belonged to Tadashi. Everything looked the same like as if any minute now Tadashi would be comig through the Cafe door, making the little bell above it tinkle to signal he's home. He would hear Tadashi's gentle deep rumble greet Aunt Cass cheerfully, then the steady heavy footfalls up the stairs, Tadashi jogging up them to get to their room faster. His happy brown hues falling first on Hiro before anything else.

'Hey knucklehead...'

Hiro hadn't realize he was now staring at the staircase, waiting to see if Tadashi really would be coming up. He could hear his voice so clearly, see him so clearly.

But no one came, and as Hiro's breath was becoming quicker with the new fresh tears falling down his cheeks, he glances over at Tadashi's bed. The baseball cap the lone item on the pillow there. Hiro couldn't hold it in anymore, not caring much if anyone downstairs heard him, he stumbled to his big brothers bed and collapsed face first into it, hug the pillow and cap to his chest as he wept into the sheets.

How can he continue the das ahead, without seeing the light of his life anymore. No more hair ruffles, no more playful wrestling. No more hugs when he had a bad day or nightmare. No more words of encouragement...

How can he go on like normal, when the boy he fell so deeply in love with, was no longer by his side.

Tadashi. Is. Gone.

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