May 18, 2014

8 0 0

The next morning, I wake up with a lot of soreness from my shoulders to my knees as I try to sit up in bed. Luckily my bed is up against the back wall so with a little effort I push myself into a painful sitting position. I reach for my iPhone and press the home button, I finally have a text from my best friend. He says he is coming today after church to see me.

That afternoon two of my best friends, who had started dating, arrive at my house. I meet them outside and we immediately go upstairs to talk. Nothing much is really happening, just awkward silent. No one knows what to say. I could have been injured, yet I can walk up the stairs perfectly fine. The bruises and scars on my knees are visible, but they do not hurt, only a reminder of yesterday's accident.

"Stop looking me like I'm a wounded bird, Chase! I am fine. Unharmed." I burst after his constant sad stare. I cannot stand feeling like a wounded bird, who just fell out of a tree after attempting to fly.

He gives me a small smile, "I know, but it could have been worse!"

"Yeah, Emmy. We just care about you." Kelley says.

"I know. I know you do. Would you like me to show you the damage?" I scroll through my pictures on my phone as I get up and walk to sit on the arm of his chair.

"I'm going to the restroom, be right back." Kelley says as I hand Chase my phone and tell him what each picture is.

"This is the front of my car, sitting at the wrecker place. Funny story, it used to be my preschool. Circle of life, right?" He stares at me. "Okay, not funny. Moving on then."

I lean over his shoulder a bit to swipe to the next picture, "That's my back glass, it came out in one piece. I still don't understand how the flipping caused that."

"Maybe you hit the ground harder than it felt like?"

"Maybe. I'm not sure. Anyways, that's all the pictures you need to see. The look of the car gets worse. I was lucky."

"Yes, you were. Like I said back in 10th grade, after the wreck with your mom and sister, I'm glad you aren't dead." I stare at him and think; how does he even remember that. That was almost three years ago. I remember him standing beside me at my locker before first period. The sun was hitting his face just right, almost blinding me. But I knew his voice, he said that to me even though we weren't friends, again yet, and I smiled. Just like that, he walked across the hall into first period.

"Thanks. I think. You have an odd way with words."

"Yeah I know." I hear the handle on the door turning, it must be Kelley and get up. I walk over to the pool table and slowly ease myself up. After closing the door, Kelley walks over to me which makes Chase get up and come over, too. We start chatting about random school stuff, and Chase notices the seatbelt bruise that starts at my shoulder. He stares at me, "Emily, are you okay? Does that bruise hurt?" He points just below my neck.

I look down, the bruise is black and blue and probably the width of my hand, "Yeah I'm fine. It doesn't hurt." Chase and Kelley both give me a sad look. "Really, I am fine, y'all." I give them a small smile and start to get off the pool table.

"Stop. Em, take my hands so you don't hurt yourself more." I laugh and take his hands.

"Thanks for watching out for me, bro."

"Anytime, Emily." With that we head downstairs, but his worry comes up again. Since I am wearing a tank top, he can really see my bruise. He thinks it will hurt me, if he hugs me. After Kelley gives me a hug, he looks at me and sways a bit.

"I'm fine. You won't hurt me. Just hug me, silly." With that he smiles and gives me a big hug before I walk outside with them to see them off.

As I stand on the porch watching them drive back up Tucker Road, I feel at ease. I feel like everything is going to be okay. I wonder, maybe I spoke to soon. But don't I deserve to feel okay? Brain, shut up for a while. My thoughts are a bit overwhelming as I head back inside to my room.

I FlippedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя