Lacey was looking down, beside me. I looked at her and then looked at Troye, who was looking at her. Lacey looked at me and smiled, but it was pained. She knew it was possible, and she didn't want us to leave. You see, us 9 were the only werewolves in this building. How we knew? No one gave off the scent of being anything but human. 

"Lacey are you good now?" Troye said, the worry dripping in every word he said. 

She nodded in response, and went to talk to me about something but got cut off. 

"Hello everyone, I'm Mr. Pinver, but you can call me Aspis. I'm looking to adopt one of you, and my opinions are open to everything. I will be walking around with my son, and a friend of mine to come talk to you" The man said, with a huge smile on his face. The two men behind him didn't look so happy though. 

"He looks mean." Lacey said looking at him. 

I chuckled and hugged her. She always thought that about people around us. She has a weird thing on thinking people are mean, even thought she hasn't spoken to them at all. 

"Hello, what is your name? I heard from behind me, making me swing around. The man was looking at me, with a smile.

"Maexiine, but you can call me Maex" I said with a smile on my face as well. He actually seemed quite nice, but very familiar. 

He nodded and Lacey, and my brothers introduced themselves. As I watched, I saw the other 2 men behind him look me up and down. Once they met my eyes, I winked making them look down. I had that affect on people, it always took them by surprise when I noticed them staring at me. 

I caught a whiff of something, they weren't human. I kept smelling the air around, making sure it was them, and not one the my brothers or Lacey. It was them, they were werewolves as well. I looked at my brothers seeing if they caught the new smell as well, and no one was raising suspicion. I wasn't going to say anything, so I stayed quiet. 

"So Maexiine, what are your hobbies?" I heard, taking me away from my thoughts. "Oh, I like to skate, paint, and workout" I replied with a smile on my face. 

He nodded and looked at all of us, I think he sensed the smell as well. He had eyes keen on me, which I thought was off. I didn't think anything of it though, maybe he was mindlinking someone. Even though I didn't see his eyes gloss over, I went with that for why he stared at me.

"I think we know who we want." he said walking off to the mother of this place. 

We looked at each other, we were the people he spent most of his time with. Maybe because there are 9 of us here, but still. If we get picked, I don't want to leave Lacey, or any of my brothers. I was worried, very very worried for us. 

"Okay, you 9 go get packed up. He chose you guys," the mother said, with a smile plastered on her face. The smile never reached her eyes. 

Her news shocked all of us. All 9 of us? Me, Lacey, Troye, Tony, Trent, and the other 4 of my brothers? I raised an eyebrow at him, but nodded. We left and went to go pack, making small talk with Lacey on the way. 

"Maybe he chose us because we're werewolves" Lacey said out of the blue. 

Nodding at that, I now knew they noticed as well. I wasn't going crazy. Walking into our room, we packed our makeup up first. With not a lot of things here, we were ready very fast. We waited outside our door, for my brothers to come out of their room. 

"come on Troye hurry up," I heard Lacey say under her breath, making me raise an eyebrow in her direction. 

Incase you haven't noticed, I don't like asking things. In response to most, I raise my eyebrow in response. This made no sense, just last week she said she didn't have any feelings towards him at all. I connected the dots, why she detached from me and latched onto Troye when she was crying. I chose not to say anything as we saw my brothers come out of their rooms, Troye being the last one. 

"You guys ready to go?" I questioned them as they came close enough to us. 

Getting a nod and a couple of 'yeah' from them, we made our way downstairs. 


Hey!! I'm so sorry. I pushed this off for so long. I'm finally getting to do what I've been wanting to do for so long. I'm sure I lost almost all of my readers, but if you're still here or new, thank you. 

Enjoy this, and the following chapters that I will be editing!!

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