Chapter 2: That's just an earthquake...right?

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~15 years later~

Walking through the halls of my grungy school was probably the high light of my lie so far. At least walking through the halls and watching people getting into fights or being bullied was better than suffering in a classroom and the teacher picking on me because I can barely read.  And it was a lot better than going home to be bitch of a step mother and my coward father who spends his days in the forest behind our house.

Someone beside me just got their books knocked out of their hands. I continued to walk forward but clutched my books a little tighter to my chest so the same thing wouldn't happen to me. I was stuck in a school for delinquents, not that I wasn't considered one. I mean have you ever heard of a 15 year old who can’t read? Didn't think so. Everyone in here is idiots and no fun, so I decided not to even try to be friends with anyone here. This is probably my 12th new school. I’ve been switching schools my whole life. I've never been to a school for more than a year so I’ve only made a couple friends before. I don’t talk to them anymore though. After I moved away they would always say “We’ll keep in touch” but then I would never get a call or message from them. My parent’s always say we have to move after a couple months because of “work” or some other weird excuse. My dad said that staying in one spot is boring and moving to different places is fun, but after moving 12 times I don’t think he thinks its fun anymore.

I turned the corner and walked into my last period class: English. My favourite (not). I sat down in my usual seat at the back of the class.

When my teacher walked in he instantly stated talking about Shakespeare’s Twelfth night play. I rolled my eyes. “Kill me now” I thought. I leaned back in my chair and tapped my foot on the ground. He started writing quotes on the white board.

While he is doing that, I have some time to explain some things: I have ADHD, which is why I’m in this school and all my other schools have been like this one. I don’t know where or who my real mother is. My dad never wants to talk about her. I don’t even know her name or what she looks like. My dad works as an environmentalist and my step mom works for a couple hours at a grocery store. I don’t have a job at all. I used to work in a small smoothie store but my boss attacked me one day and I had to call the cops. My dad never let me work anywhere else since then. My dad is really protective over me over everything except when it comes to my step mom. One time she was yelling at me and I-

“Grace!” My teacher yelled interrupting my thoughts. I looked up from my desk at him. He stared at me from the board. Everyone else was looking at me too. Grinning and laughing at me. I didn’t care though.

“Yes, Mr. Perkins” I answered nonchalantly.

He pointed to a quote on the board. “What do you think Shakespeare meant by this quote?” He asked.

I looked at the quote and all the letters started moving around. I didn’t want to ask what it was because that would make me look stupid. I focused on it but the letters didn’t move back, it was just gibberish to me. I gave up trying to read it “I don’t know sir.” I said wanting to hide inside my sweater.

A couple people giggled and I heard someone say “What a dumbass”. I ignored them.

“Can you read it for us than?” The teacher asked. I sighed again.

“No.” I muttered.

“Excuse me?”

“I can’t do that, sir.” I answered a little loud. More people started to laugh or roll their eyes.

“Yes you can Grace. Everyone knows how to read.” He said like I was stupid. I’m not stupid.

“I can’t read it!” I pleaded loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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