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After hearing Elsa’s story, I realized what I had to do. I had to find her center. There was only one problem. I had the other Guardians to help me find my center, and I was alone on this one. I had to do this by myself. And it’s not like I was going to get a exiled queen down into her kingdom so that I could figure things out faster. One, everyone would just run her out again... or kill her... but I hoped for the former. Two, there was no way on Earth that I would convince her to leave her castle. She was stuck there, like she was caged in or something. It was like the bars to the jail cell, those doors were, and yet she insisted on feeling free.

She was a hard nut to crack, I must say.

Over the next few days, things became clearer for her about the Guardians and the Earth where I had come from. We had also come to the conclusion that we weren’t from the same worlds. Hers was one that was stuck in an era of carriages, and horses, and it felt like they had only just invented the wheel. But mine was one of technology, and advancement. Everything was so new, and efficient. But here, that wasn’t really the case.

I still didn’t know how I got here though. I figured that it would either just come to me, or I’d have to leave this castle to find out. But the thing was, I didn’t want to leave Elsa alone. She just seemed so scared and lonely when I had first met her. Now she was like a bright flower that was dancing in the summer, even though we were sort of stuck in the cold. But still, something had blossomed inside of the Ice Queen, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was the one who brought it out.

Day in and day out, I would find Elsa wandering the castle, creating sculptures and statues and intricate little objects out of ice and snow. I had realized that, while our abilities were very similar, we were very different. My use of ice involved snowballs, and sheets upon sheets of slippery stuff. Elsa’s was definitely more detailed and beautiful. She would carve anything into the walls of our temporary home. I would find pictures upon pictures of what I imagined was Arendale, and perhaps her sister Anna. I think that I saw her parents once too. But when I approached her about them, she said that he mother and father had died while travelling at sea in a storm, and I left it at that.

It wasn’t just Elsa’s powers that were getting stronger, but our bond was as well. I found that she was more open to fun and laughter, as well as sharing things about her life. All the while, I couldn’t stop thinking about that magnetic pull that I had felt when I first met her, which was growing more powerful as well. Spending so much time with her made me realize how amazing she was, and each day I grew closer and closer to wanting her lips on mine. It was becoming an issue. I often slipped into a daydream about it, and she had always caught me. I knew that she couldn’t read my mind, but I was never able to stop the blush on my cheeks.

“So, what are you planning on drawing today?” I asked curiously as I watched her walk down the hall in front of me. I was floating up in the air, twirling my staff in my hands. That was another thing that was different between us. Elsa couldn’t fly like I could, but I don’t think it really mattered. Her artwork of ice was fantastic enough. She didn’t need anything more.

“I don’t really know. Maybe I won’t draw. Maybe I’ll just... create,” she answered. It sounded like a brilliant idea. We moved along in silence for a while, the morning sun causing the ice castle to sparkle. I admired the way Elsa seemed to walk with pride. I can imagine that it wasn’t always like this. Her whole life, she was probably hidden away, and she wouldn’t have held her head up like she does now. She would have been cowering in the darkness, but now, she was standing in the sun. I descended to the floor and took a deep breath, fighting that magnetic feeling again.

The next thing I knew, my vision went black, and a hazy version of myself appeared before me. I watched as I leaned my elbow on a windowsill at the North Pole, daydreaming about my past. I didn’t know how I knew what I was thinking, but I did. I was wishing that I could learn more about how I became who I was, and who I am. I was thinking about how amazing it would be to know the full truth about my life.

It was like a television. I could see everything that was going on around me. One of Santa’s big yeti's was trying to balanced a robot toy on top of a pyramid, when the Santa walked by and tripped on the ladder that he was using. Santa fell flat on his face, and one of the snow globe transportation things that he uses fell out of his Jacket and burst, showing a portal. Meanwhile, the yeti’s pyramid knocked over, and everything came crashing down on me, knocking me out. Falling over, the portal sucked me up, and I had completely vanished from my spot.

I had completely vanished from that world.

Santa pushed himself to his feet and looked around at the mess of toys that lay before him. He shook his head at the yeti, then noticed that I was missing. Patting down his Jacket, he realized that one of his snow globes was missing too. The look upon his face was one of utter terror, knowing what the other Guardians might do when they found out that I was missing. Especially Baby Tooth. There was no way the news was going to blow over.

The scenery changed and I looked out over a city. Bunny was vanishing in and out of holes in the ground, the Tooth Fairy was flying above the houses, Santa was even higher up in the sky with his sleigh, and Sandy was moving in and out of houses. They were all calling my name, except for Sandy of course. But they were searching and it was almost dawn. If they didn’t go home soon, people would see them, which wasn’t exactly a good thing. I watched as Tooth buzzed around, shouting out to me, over and over, until my own name was ringing in my ears.

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