Chapter 7

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Sorry I haven't updated guys. Mega writers block >.< ~Kassi<3

Agnes's P.O.V.

A full week of scrubbing every inch of this wretched boat with Thomas, who I'd become close to in these past couple days. I told him about what it was like growing up. He was still a little timid around me but once I started tell him stories he'd loosen up. He's started to call me Aggie regularly which I'm quite happy with. All the other men when they actually talk to me call me Lady Agnes. I'd learned many things on this boat ready. Maybe not the kind of things a princess should but they were a necessity to living on a pirate ship. The men called the ship The Gypsy. I also learned that Alan's father handed the ship down to him. And most of the crew to this day are descendent a from the original crew. I was so deep in thought processing everything I learned that I bumped into someone on deck and was knocked down on my bottom.

"Oh! Lady Agnes! I didn't see you there miss." A gentle voice said and I saw a hand extended down to me. Sebastian was the ships physician. He was also, from what I've observe in my short time on board, the gentleman of the group. He was always kind. I took his hand and he pulled me up effortlessly.

"It's my fault Mr. Greene" I said.

"If you aren't gonna call me Sebastian at least call me Doc" he laughed. In his hand was a book. His finger in it marking his place. " And no it was as much my fault as yours I wasn't paying attention either." He waved the book with a small smile. He looked over my shoulder and his smile faltered then returned brighter. "Well madam I'll see you around the ship then" I watched him pass by me and saw what he looked at over my shoulder. Arms crossed, dark eyes piercing mine, standing at the top of the stairs to the quarter deck. Captain Alan Wesley.

"May I help you, oh keeper of the stairs?" I taunted. He marched down the steps. I crossed my arms.

"Lessons." He grunted.


"Lessons. With me. Sword lessons. You want them?" The frown on his face told me he didn't want me to say yes. Cigs probably brought up a valid point and he's just putting it out there thinking I'm going to say no. But the thing is I know something Captain Alan doesn't. I smile to myself.

"Sure. Might as well" I say acting as though I'm not too terribly interested.

He sighs. "You've finished cleaning for today?"

"Tommy is finishing up as we speak. I did my part."

He sighs again. "Fine lets go." he pushes past me. And walks to the open area in the middle of the deck. He takes off his hat and jacket and throws them to Toots who was standing near by. I walk over and stand a little ways away from him. My hair was braided back and I was wearing one of Alan's shirts with a belt and the boots he had given me. A normal look for me now on the ship. Alan was wearing a once white shirt and black pants with his typical boots. Toots walked to me and handed me a sword. I through it from hand to hand. I saw Alan raise an eyebrow at me. I let the sword settle in my right hand and swung it a few times. I saw Alan's face go pale as he unsheathed his sword. I smiled. And stood my ground waiting for him to be ready.

"Why do I have the feeling that's not the first time you've held a sword?" Alan asked.

"Captain I am a princess! To think that I've taken up arms in my life would be unthinkable" I pretended shock at his inquiry and smiled bigger. He swore under his breath. I took that moment to swing my sword at him. He stepped back to avoid the attack.

"Hey!" he said.

"Oh sorry did you want to start on the count of 3 Captain?" I swung my sword again. And again he stepped back this time hold his sword up to clash with mine. "There ya go Captain. Now we're getting somewhere" I laughed.

He scrunched his face like a toddler who had gotten his toy stolen from him. And then the real fun began. We lunged and swung our swords at each other. Letting cocky comments fall from our lips each time the tides of the battle changed. For a short while I forgot I was a princess. It was only when I heard Cigs voice yelling at us.

"That's enough! That's enough! Enough of this foolish game!" he yelled. Both our attentions snapped to him. Suddenly realizing how winded I was I gulped for air. My chest raising and falling as quickly as my heart rate. I look over at Alan who was also breathing just as heavily. I removed my eyes from him to look to the crew. They're mouths hung open in amazement at seeing our match.

"Now on about your businesses!" Cigs clapped. Alan having regained his breath sheathed his sword and slipped his coat back on and slowly and deliberately placed his hat back on his head.

"Who made you captain?" Alan smirked over his shoulder at his first mate.

"Ya were too busy acting like a kiddy to be captain, Cap'n. " Cigs stated. Alan kept silent. And walked up the stairs to the quarter deck. I looked up at him. I hadn't moved. Partly cause I was afraid that if I'd move I'd fall. And partly cause I was watching Alan smirk to himself. I was still trying to catch my breath from the battle.

"Good fight Pearl. Maybe you're not so useless after all, eh?" he chuckled and disappeared from my vision of the upper deck.

"Aggie!" Thomas called out to me once Alan was out of sight. "That was amazing! You're amazing!" he blushes at his words "I m-mean haha" he stammered and then laughed awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck. "And um Aggie you left this down in the kitchen" he handed me a small circle of silver, which I had taken off to do the cleaning.

"My ring!" I quickly took it back and slipped it on and hugged Tommy. "Thank you so much. You have no idea what it means to me. I could've lost it. I can't believe I forgot about it"

"If ya don't mind me askin ma'am " he gently inquired. "Who gave it to ya"

I looked down at the bright white pearl and the shiny silver of the band. I knew who gave it to me. Alan. All those years ago. I smiled softly. "Well actually it was-"

"Pearl! Go help Charlie with dinner preparations." Alan was looking down at us. His eyes flickered across my hand to the ring then back to my eyes. Then to Tom " I need you to go into the crows nest for a report Rookie"

He nodded a determined look crosses his face "Yes Captain." And I watched him walk off.

"Pearl." He said sternly then pointed towards the kitchen. "Go."

"Yes Captain" I muttered and headed off.


Hope, Love, and...Pirates?!?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن