Chapter 2

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Agnes's P.O.V.

A horse drawn carriage to bring me home. As well neared my grand castle I saw the front fetes open wide. As if giving me a welcome home embrace. The gates closed behind us and being very unprincess-like I stuck my head out of the carriage to see if Mother and Daddy were waiting for me to wish me a happy birthday. I finally thought about it this morning. I had left when the villagers around the castle began to harvest their crops. Now I was returning and they were planting them. It was warm. My dress was stifling and my corset made my breathing shallow. Oh how I hate these constricting things. Closer and closer we got the doors. I saw someone waiting for me, but my mood went cloudy when I realized who it was. He helped me out of the buggy and kissed my hand.

"Why Princess Agnes I do wish a happy birthday to you and your present is awaiting you in your room. Shall I escort you there my dear?" Sir Campbell's arrogance ringing in my ears.

"Thank you Sir Campbell. I'm sure your present will be quite...extravagant. And I think I shall be able to find my own room without your help," I tried to keep the annoyance out of my voice but one look at Fitz told me that I had done rather badly. Oh well. I may have to marry him but I don't have to love him. Or even like him for that matter. I will never know what love feels like. Other than Fitz who was a father/mother figure. Maybe in my next life I would be free to choose whom I marry. "You may however help the other men carry in my things." I said stiffly. "Come along Fitzgerald." With that I scurried inside and up to the tower where my bedroom was nestled.

The large marble stair well clicked under my slippers. I placed my hand on the wide railing and slowly started walking up. And up. And up. I savored each click of my shoes and the cool marble against my hand. I missed my home. I ran my hand along the stone wall as I walked down the hall to my room. And at last I saw my door. My beautifully hand carved by French craftsman door. I grasped the cold handle and the door popped open like a new bottle of wine. My room was ocean themed on account of the ocean view from my balcony. My walls were bale blue as was my bed dressings and canopy. I had a white washed vanity in the corner of the room, my jewelry boxes piled on each other on the center. I walked over to my French doors and opened them wide to let the cold salty sweet breeze of the ocean fill my room as well as my nose. I leaned against the rail on the edge of the balcony. The water was calm. The blueish gray surface swaying with each wave that crashed onto the sandy shore. A smile crept its way up to my lips.

"Aggie. I'm going to help the maids and other servants prepare for your ball tonight. If that's alright with you?" Fitz asked.

"Yes Fitz." As soon as I said this he gave a small bow and exited. It was about mid day and I had no clue what I was going to be wearing tonight. There was a small knock on my door. I quickly turned and shut the door to my balcony. Knowing my parents didn't like me out there. "Yes? You may enter." A blonde headed nuisance came through the door. "Sir Campbell" I said politely.

"Princess. I sent your things out to be cleaned. I hoped you wouldn't mind," he was trying to be nice but he still irked me. I let him know it was alright and he continued. "Now is the time to give you something that I've been waiting for."

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