Chapter 4

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Wes's P.O.V.

"Cap'n what are we doin with er? we can't exactly keep er locked up through our ole journey," Cigs said quietly behind me. I was on the quarter deck discussing with Baxter what route we were taking to the next port.

"Sure we can Cigs" I said cheerfully. "She's just a pestering female. If we were to let her run amuck the ship surely she would find a way to cause trouble for us. She might even fall over board. Do you know how much of a hassle it would be to fish her back out?"

He sighed. "Yessir" he left to go start preparing dinner.

"Now Bax we need the quickest route possible to the next port. We are running low and supplies." I helped him map the whole route and then stopped by the kitchen. The rest of the crew was already eating. The sun was just about to set. I could only imagine how she managed to entertain herself in my room. I smirked to myself. She was still beautiful. Now she was mine. Whoever she was betrothed to would've given her a comfortable cozy life. But I know my pearl. She would've hated it. The way she looks at the ocean, like its her only friend. Her fiancé would've locked her up in a stuffy castle for the rest of her days. To see a pearls true beauty, you must break open its confinements. And I plan to do just do that. Break the princess to uncover her true woman. This should be fun. I had reached my chamber door. I turned the cold brass knob and entered.

Agnes's P.O.V.

I was had started to shuffle through Wes's papers when I heard the door click open. I jumped a mile at the sudden sound in the quiet room.

"How's my Pearl doing?" his voice glided like velvet through the air. Sending a tingling feeling from my head to my toes. How I hated that he could melt my heart at just the simplest of words.

"I'm fine" my voice was sharp despite my melting heart. If I stood up surely my knees would've buckled user his piercing gaze. So I remained seated.

"Must you use such a hard tone of voice with me Princess? I did after all save you."

"From whom exactly?" I inquired.

"Not whom, but what your highness." He said. I cocked my head to the side and he continued. "From marriage."

"So you don't think I would make a good wife!" I screeched at him. Finally standing up from my chair to go nose to nose with Alan.

He snickered, "You'd make a perfectly acceptable wife," he said. And I back up for a moment. " You'd just be rather boring." the anger bubbled over inside of me.

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