I looked at him in surprise. Then I remembered the request I had made of Pegasus during his duel with Yugi. "Really? You'll tell me something about my powers?"

Bakura stood beside me and brushed against my shoulder. I nodded at him. He wanted to encourage me to seek information but also be cautious.

"Mr. Pegasus left a message for me to relay to you as promised," Croquet said. "You were born an empath, an ability that had been passed along the female line of your family for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, your ancestors born with the gift assisted and served pharaohs. This purpose has not been lost. Even now, the empath waits for the return of the great pharaoh."

This explanation struck a cord with me. I sucked in a sharp breath and placed my hands on my head when I felt pain from somewhere. It felt like I was trying to remember something from long ago. I had tried to suppress my memories from my visit to Egypt, but it semed my heart still knew what I had learned.

Bakura placed his hands on me and rubbed my back. "Are you okay?"

I nodded without speaking.

Yugi looked from me to Croquet. "Does this have anything to do with the Millennium items? They're from ancient Egypt, aren't they?"

"I am afraid I have no more information to give you," Croquet said. "Now I must ask all of you to leave." He turned and walked away.

Joey crossed his arms and frowned. "Pharaohs? How do you know he's telling the truth, Samia?"

"H-he is," I said, my voice weak and raspy. "I can tell."

Tristan shrugged. "Good enough for me."

"I'm sure you'll find more if you keep looking," Tea said, giving me an encouraging smile.

I nodded, but I was not sure if I wanted to know more. I had a lot to consider once I returned home to Domino City.

"Let's go outside," Bakura said. He bent down and helped Mokuba to his feet. "We can look for your brother there."

"Okay," Mokuba mumbled.

Anxiety shot out of him, so I stood on his other side as we made our way out of the castle. I wondered if I could use my senses to find Kaiba. Then again, I felt too worn to do much more than offer Mokuba a bit of comfort.

The sun was already beginning to set by the time we reached the courtyard. Mokuba called out for his brother while the rest of us stood by and waited. I was not sure what we could do short of searching the entire castle. Why hadn't Croquet brought him to us if he was so willing to offer the other prizes?

Then the tall doors that served as the entrance to the castle opened, revealing Seto Kaiba, briefcase in hand and a rare smile on his face.

"It's him!" Mokuba said in joy. He ran to him and embraced him.

"It's alright," Kaiba said as he gently held him.

"Come on," Joey said, "let's not get all mushy and gooey, you know? I can't take it."

Despite his words, I could tell he was as touched as me, and that fact warmed my heart even more. "I told you he wasn't all that bad," I said quietly so only Joey could hear.

"Yeah, no one's that coldhearted." He looked at me with a smile, and I smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Yugi," Kaiba said. "Thank you for saving my brother Mokuba's soul. He means everything to me."

Lion's Mouth: Part I (Yu-Gi-Oh)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن