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Matt's POV

Edd started yelling at Tord talking about how he wants to kill himself?
I don't know but I just want to hug him and tell him that everything is OK
Then he was shocked by his collar and fell to the floor
Me and Tom both looked at Tord, he had the remote to the collar and it was on high shock! Enough to kill a big dog!!
I saw Tom run to Edd and just started to cry
I was confused then it hit me
He was gone
My first, my BEST friend was gone
And I didn't do anything to help
I was frozen
I couldn't move
Everything felt like it was closing in on me
I can't Imagine what Tom is thinking be was dating him!
Tord started to walk to Edd
He took the body out of the crying Tom's arms
Tom tried to punch Tord but I don't think he could
He was probably hurt like me and couldn't move

Tord took Edd's body and just threw it back in the cage!
"Hey! T-that's not right! You don't take someone's body and throw it in a cage!!" I yelled at Tord
Tom looked up and started balling when he saw Edd

Edd's POV

I woke up and just saw a bright light
And then I saw golden gates?
I ran to the gates
I didn't hurt anymore!
It was bright
And pretty!
I saw Jon
"Oh hi Jon!" I yelled
He gasped when he saw me and ran to give me a hug
"EDD!" He yelled as he hugged me
"H-how did you get here?" He asked
"Well the last thing I remember was stabbed by Tord, oh! Then he kidnapped me while I was in the hospital! Then he raped me and beat me really badly! Then Tom and Matt came to try to rescue me! Then Tord tortured me in front of them, and even raped me in front of them!
Then I turned I to a cat? And then I was turned back to a human then Tord put a shock collar on me then I yelled at him and he put it on full blast then I hurt really badly then woke up here!" I said
Jon looked confused "what's rape?" He asked
"Umm.." "I-it's when you are tortured really badly..?" I lied
"Ooh ok! I'm so sorry for you!"
He replied
"Hey come here!" He said to me as he pulled my to an area in the clouds where you can see people you loved on earth
"Isn't it cool?" He asked
I saw Tom and Matt crying as Tord threw my body in that cage
"W-what's he doing?!" I yelled
Jon just watched wanting to know the same thing

Tom's POV

Edd was pulled out of my arms
I tried to punch Tord but I couldn't I was crying to much
Everything hurt
My baby was gone
He left
All because of the STUPID COMMIE
I heard Matt yell at Tord
I couldn't understand what he said exactly so I looked up
Tord threw Edd's body into the cage
I broke down again when I saw Edd
I felt something pull me and I looked up
It was Tord
He grabbed me and Matt
Then he threw us into the cage with Edd's body
"HEY STOP!" Matt screamed probably not wanting to be so close to Edd's body
"Oh but Matt, don't you want to die next to your best friend?" He started to laugh
I wanted to punch him in his stupid face, but he locked us in there
Matt started to cry, I grabbed Edd and just held him in my arms.
His skin was like ice
And I cried

Edd's POV

"I-I have to go back to my body!!" I yelled as I ran back to the gates
"E-Edd!" Jon yelled as he caught back up to me "I-if you leave you can't come back here you will go to h-hell!" He said trying to catch his breath
"I know but I don't care! I have to go back to my friends!!" I yelled
"I-I want to come too!" He said
"B-but as a ghost! So I can come back here!" He said
"Ok! Let's go!!" I yelled
I walked out the gates and Jon just sank through the clouds
I woke up

"T-Tom?" I said quietly not knowing if Tord was around
"E-Edd!" Tom said hugging MD
"Tom listen, I'm back so I can help you, I went to heaven and saw Jon! But then I also saw Tord throwing you in here with my body.. That was probably horrible, and so I told Jon that I was coming back, but when you  come back to earth from heaven and go back to your body, you go to h-hell.." I said
"Edd why did you come back then?!" Ton yelled "You deserve to be in heaven! I know what hell is like, all three of us know, and I also know that it's not where you belong!"
I sat up and talked to Jon, Tom and Matt looked at me like I was crazy
But because I had came from heaven I could see him
"Jon I need you to get the keys from Tord!"
Jon nodded as he flew through the door to find Tord and get the keys
I looked back at Tom and Matt and just hugged them tight
"J-Jon should be back soon, then we can get you out of here!"
"But what about you??" Matt asked worried
"I'll be fine! Besides! I'm pretty sure Tord will be there when he dies!" I laughed and started to cry when I talked about Tord
I remembered everything he had done to me in the last few chapter- I mean days
All of the pain HD caused me and my friends
Then Jon came back with the keys
I'm gonna guess Tom and Matt only saw floating keys
"Ok Jon can you unlock the cage?" I asked
So he did
I grabbed Tom and Matt's hands
"Ok guys are you ready?" I asked
They both nodded
I opened the door slowly and looked around
No one was out there
I ran dragging Tom and Matt behind me
Jon was in front of me in case someone jumped us
A few moments later we reached the door
I opened it pushing Tom and Matt out before me
Someone grabbed me from behind
The turned around and saw me being dragged inside
I heard them pounding on the door
The person behind me opened the small windows on the door so they could see us
I realized it was Tord
He had me stuck to where I couldn't move
"GO HOME!" I yelled trying to get Tom and Matt to go back home but they stayed
I sighed
"Welp I guess you win Tord I'll go back to the room if you want.." I said
"Pfft you can't trick me that easily! I'm the leader of an entire army!" Tord said
I walked to the room where all of them bad things happened
"Ok don't believe me, I'll go without you" I said still walking
"Hey wait!" He yelled catching up with me
I saw Tom and Matt look through the window at me with disbelief and tears in their eyes
I looked around carefully and there was no guards around
I turned and looked at Tord
I kicked him in the knee as I ran to the door and tried to push it open
It was locked and I didn't have the key
I ran to Tord and grabbed the keys
As I was starting to run back he grabbed my pants leg and made me fall face first on the ground I looked up and felt my nose bleeding
Tord punched me in the face then kicked me
I saw everything flash before my eyes
I knew I wasn't going to make it through this
"GO HOME NOW!!" I yelled at Tom and Matt
They still refused to go
They both started to cry as they banged at the door even harder
They cried and ran away
Tord kept kicking me
Until I kicked his nuts
He fell to the floor and called for more guards I grabbed the keys and ran out
"Tom look it's Edd!" I heard Matt yell
I looked behind me and saw the guys that hit Tom and Matt before
One had really big eye brows
And the other had weird bangs
I kept running
I heard a gun shot and felt pain through my chest and fell
"AHH!" I screamed from pain
I saw Tom and Matt run to me
I was picked up by my hood
I was pretty limp from pain
Tom and Matt ran to us
They put a gun to my head
"Touch us and he will get shot!" The one with eyebrows said
I looked up at them and smiled
"J-just go home and have a nice rest of your lives" I said
"I-I love you T-Tom"
Tom was crying "I love you too"
I felt something pull on my hood more
I was chocking
"I-I CANT B-BREATH" I said in between gasps
I looked at Tom as he grab my hand
I was shot

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