Commie Hunting

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Matts POV

I picked Tom up from the hospital Edd was staying at for a few more days, he told me all of the things that happened. I wasn't really listening to much of it I was trying to pay attention to the road so we didn't get in a crash. I started to pay attention when he talked about Edd not having much of a chance to live through it, I wanted to cry , in fact I swerved when I heard that and I almost hit a stray cat! If Edd was there he would have been more worried about the cat than us
He was so amazing to be around! I miss him..
Tom started talking about more things that happened like how sad and miserable Edd looked in recovery, and how he said who stabbed him.
"He said that he wanted to ask Tord why he stabbed him then he started crying in my shoulder." Tom said with sadness and anger in his voice
"WAIT WHAT?!" I yelled surprised at who he said stabbed Edd
"I KNOW! I wanted to just scream and go kill Tord at that moment but, Edd needed me to stay for a little while longer." Tom said back
"Why would he hurt Edd?! Edd is the nice one! He's the one who would be there if you were hurt! He was probably the nicest one out of us all!" I said trying to hold back tears

We established a plan to go and find Tord later that night

~~~~~~~Later That Night~~~~~~~
                     Tom's POV
It was 10:00 when me and Matt got ready to go to the old house and try to find any trace or anything that could tell us where he was at
I was in my living room with the T.V on watching some random stupid show while I waited for Matt to finish getting ready, Lord knows he can't just get a coat and be done with getting ready
Nope he has to do his hair, put on makeup?, and pick out the 'best' outfit to go outside in the middle of the night in
I put on the news just wondering what was going on tonight
"Breaking news! The mercy hospital was under lockdown, armed kidnapper kills two employees and injures five, one patient kidnapped. If you know Edd Gould, please contact Mercy hospital!"
I kinda stood still my heart stopped for a few moments before Matt came running into my apartment.
"OH MY GOD TOM EDD WAS KIDNAPPED!!" Matt yelled I could barely understand his words, he spoke so fast.
"Matt! Calm down! We are going to the hospital and we are going to see if there is anything we can do to find him!"
I said trying to calm my friend down
He nodded as we jumped in his car and drove back to the hospital Edd was at
Matt and I ran in the hospital doors as if there was someone chasing us with a knife in hand
"OUR FRIEND EDD GOULD WAS ON TV WHAT HAPPENED?!?" Matt yelled so loud almost the whole hospital hear him
"He was taken by the kidnapper and we only have one not for," the officer said as he looked at the note "Tom and Matt, is that yo-" he was cut off
"YES THAT IS US CAN WE READ IT!?" Matt yelled panicked
He just handed us the note without asking, kinda felt like we were in a badly made fanfic.
'Dear Tom and Matt, I have Edd and if you want him to live then you BOTH have to come to the red army base at midnight. All you have to do to free your precious cola loving friend here is work for me for the rest of your pathetic lives, then maybe this fat thing I captured can live the rest of it's pathetic life! Signed Tord'

We gasped as we read the note
"May I read it now?" The officer asked
I ripped the note to pieces knowing that if the police went to the red army base they would only get Edd hurt
I grabbed Matt's arm as I pulled him out the door and ran to the red army base as fast as I could
We stopped in front of the door not sure what to do exactly
I put my hand up to knock but then I felt something wet go over my mouth and then I passed out

Cliffhanger yet again!!
I hope you guys liked this chapter! I worked pretty hard on it!
So see you next chapter!

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