the hospital

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Before you read this chapter I just want to apologize for taking so long for this one my tablet was messed up and still is
so with all of that aside lets start the story!!


Edd laid on his hospital bed slightly conscious going in and out of his coma
Tom watched from the side of the bed crying for his friend
Edd opened his eyes and looked at Tom
"D-Did I pass out again?" Edd asked knowing that he kept going back into his coma
"Yea you did.." Tom said sadly
"Tom don't worry I'll be fine!" Edd said
"I know." Tom said back
Neither of them were actually sure if he would live through all of this.
The knife impaled one of his lungs making it hard for Edd to breath so he was about to go have emergency surgery
The doctors just had to have him wake up enough before surgery, and now Edd was nearly fully awake just slightly passing out here and there.

The doctors came in to put Edd's IV in before surgery
Edd screamed bloody murder as he squeezed Tom's hand as tight as possible
Edd always hated needles and IVs are one hundred times worse!
When the doctors finally got the IV in his arm tears were streaming down his face, and this isn't nearly the worse part yet.
Edd was starting to be drugged from the IV so he didn't know who was who.
He pointed to Tom and said "Hey It's gay bowling ball pineapple dude!" slurring his words
Tom just got out his phone recording everything while the doctors got everything set up in the surgery room
"Who is that?" Edd asked Tom pointing to his IV stand
"Pfft, that's an IV st- I mean  that's jerry!" Tom said trying not to burst into laughter.
"Ohhh Hi Jerry!" Edd said to the stand
Edd mumbled a few words before passing out from the drugs.
Tom stopped recording and kissed Edd's forehead "Good luck in surgery cinnamon roll." He whispered under his breath before the doctors came in
"Ok It's time is is asleep?" One of the nurses asked Tom
"Yep." Tom replied
"Please be careful with him! I-I don't want him to hurt anymore o-or d-d-die..."
Tom really stumbled on that last word scared that's what was going to happen
"We will do our best" The nurse smiled softly to Tom as the pulled Edd's bed down the hall and away from Tom's view
Tom just sat there and kept replaying the video of Edd talking to the IV stand
yay sadness
I hope you like this chapter though I kept replaying 'Waving Through A Window" From Dear Evan Hansen
it's a musical and if you haven't already heard all of the songs (or any for that matter)
than go listen to it!
if you want to
anywho that is the end of this chapter so I hope you like it so far!!

Last call (Eddsworld Tomedd Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz