The Proposal

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Nurul's POV

It was just 2 a.m. at my treehouse, I'm just sleeping soundly in my cozy, warm bed, when I heard a cry in the baby's room. I woke up and walk to the room. I see Eryn fusing again. I pick her up and try to calm her down. I then sing my fave song when I was a kid and it work, she was sleeping soundly. I put her back in the cradle and walk back to my room, when Ammar then began to cry. I went over to him and gave him a bottle of milk. And he drinks it until it was empty. I burp in and he was fast asleep.

I quietly walk to my room and flop in my bed. Who knew being a mom is so hard. I managed to sleep until morning. During the night, I could have sworn, the little angels were crying then stop like 3 times. I then heard them again. I got up and walk to the room. When I open the door, I saw Eli holding Ammar, trying to calm him down.

When Ammar stop calm down, he put him back in the cradle. He then look at me.

"Up already?", he said.

"Yeah, I heard Ammar crying and so I came to check it and then your here. How did you get in here anyway?", I asked.

"You gave me the key, now that the kids are born, I do have the responsibility of being a dad to those kids".

"Yeah, good point. Hungry?".

"Yup, you go cook. If the kids get fussy again, I'll take care of them", as he smiles.

"Cool", as I kiss his cheek and walk to the kitchen.

I then cook my fave breakfast dish, blueberry pancakes with some butter on top. And for Eli, just the same. I know how much he loves my pancakes. The aroma of pancakes filled the house, I can tell cause Eli just came down the stairs.

"Do I smell pancakes?".

"Yup, blueberry pancakes", as I put the last pancake on the plate.

"Awesome, I really love your pancakes", as I serve the pancakes.

He took a bit out of it and I can tell he loves it. I just smiled. I love people enjoy my cooking. It makes me feel special to them.

I took a plate of my pancakes and sat next to him. He stop eating and put an arm around me and I blush.

"I love seeing you blush, Nur".

"Stop making me blush, Eli. I hate blushing".

"Well, I do. And no, I won't stop making you blush, you look when you blush".

I can feel my cheeks burning up. He really does know how to make a girl blush.

"Umm, Nur, could I as you something?".

Eli's POV

"Umm, sure Eli", she said.

I was getting nervous, coz today, I want to her to marry me. I know crazy, but now I'm a dad, I have to make it official. I managed to get a ring for her. I didn't bought it, I ask Kord is he could make one for me.


I quickly rode back to the hideout and look for Kord. He was just doing some weight lifting.

"Kord", I started.

"Yo, what's up bro?", he asked.

"Look, I want to make me a ring".

"Why, bro?", he asked again.

"Coz, I want to propose to Nur", I answered.

"Wow, bro. Are you sure your ready to take it to the next level?", as he stop and look at me.

"Yeah, I'm now a dad and I want to make it official with Nur. I can't lose her again".

"Bro, you know if you marry her, you have to choose your religion".

"What do you mean I have to choose my religion?", I asked.

"Bro, if you marry an Islamic, you or Nur choose which religion you guys wanted to be. If you choose, then you have to choose to leave as a Westerner and become an Islamic or stay as Westerner. If Nur choose, then she has to choose to still be an Islamic or leave to be a Westerner" he explained.

He was right, I have to choose.

"Well, Nur still stand by her religion, so, I wanted to be an Islamic".

"If that what you choose bro, then let's go make you that ring for her, I need some parts".

"I'll go get them", as we both start making the ring.

End of flashback

I hen kneel in front of her and took out a red velvet box.

"Eli.....", she sounded surprised.

"Nurul Mohd Amirul, you are my everything, you made my life complete, without you I'm nothing. Your my light the star that light up the sky. I'm not willing to loose you again, so Nur would you marry me?", I asked as I open the box reviling a gold blue diamond ring.

I finally said it. And she look at me surprised, I could see a tear in her eye. I was nervous if she says no.

"Yes, yes of course", she said.

I put the ring on her finger and kiss her. This is the best day of my life, Nur is soon finally going to be my wife.

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